I decided to purchase a Prius after reading about the differences between the Gen II and Gen III. It was time to buy one since I was tired of putting gas in my 2000 Dodge Dakota pickup (15.5 MPG). My brother has a 2004 Prius with Nav (which he doesn't use). I perceived some urgency in buying a new vehicle since the Washington state legislature waived sales tax on the purchase of hybrids until July 31. This was a savings of over $2500! After some research, I decided on the IV trim package plus $200 for carpets. I also wanted the rear bumper Applique. I did NOT want the Nav system nor the sun roof. Since I own a 2006 Sienna with everything but the kitchen sink, I had experience with the dynamic cruise control and loved it. My only choice to get the dynamic cruise control meant I would have to take the very expensive technology package, so I passed. On June 1, I checked with several dealers in the Puget Sound area and found all of them were selling at MSRP. I chose Toyota of Bellevue because they were a volume dealer and I had a good chance of finding what I wanted. I told the dealer I wanted a 2010 Prius IV and I wanted the Sandy Beach Metallic color. The salesman didn't seem too optimistic about getting that specific vehicle very soon. I told the salesman that I didn't want any substitutes (color, option, etc.). Anyway, the next day, June 2, I received a call stating that they found my car. It was allocated to another dealer, but a trade of some kind was agreed upon. I actually received the car on June 23rd and I was delighted. At this point I hadn't actually seen a Prius IV, hadn't seen how the color looked like on the car, and hadn't taken any Prius for a test drive. After four days, I am just getting adjusted to driving a very different vehicle. Some things I have noticed: The displays are addictive and if one isn't careful, you may end up rearending another vehicle because you can get distracted. After spending some time studying the 60 odd page manual, I should get an Associates Degree. I spent too much time looking for a readout of MPG (in numbers instead of a bar chart) and finally found it in the Trip A or Trip B displays. The Energy Monitor is very informative in indicating when the engine is actually running. The only gripe I have with that display is the red lines and arrows from the engine part of the display is VERY difficult to see during the day. Another color would be far better or maybe brighter would be OK. The bluetooth feature works very well, but the menus and setup are very confusing to me. Perhaps it might be easier using a Nav display instead of the radio display window. When in reverse, the beeper signal is too frequent. It is too loud and irritating. It is a fun car to drive and very comfortable when the seats are adjusted properly.
The sales tax exemption was one of the reasons I got ours now... from Michael's Toyota, too. You should be able to take it back to Michael's and have them change the continuous beeping in Reverse to a single beep...
Excellent, glad you went for it! My dealer was happy to 'reprogram' the back-up signal to just one beep, rather than continuously beeping, and while at it I had him take away the seatbelt reminder. Have fun!
Make that '600 page manual'. Gutsy move buying a car you've never driven. You've got really good seats in that car, much better than a Corolla and 2x over the 2009- Prius.
I had the dealer change that and a few other things before I took delivery, and they made another customization change a week later--all gratis. They said their policy is to change any item once for free, but if you want it changed again, they'll charge. YMMV.