I was just curious if anyone else has noticed "burn-in" on the screens. Sorry, I'm a bit of a newb so flame away within reason, but I pretty leave my screen on (here's where the newb part comes in) the one that looks like it shows the acceleration. Every now again, I will assess other aspects of my driving habits and I notice that parts of that main screen, that I use, are burned into various parts of the other screens (varying brightness that is patterned suspiciously like the other screen). I've only had the car since 6/5. Has anyone else noticed this? Thanks in advance! Christian
It's either the MFD or MID. Since this is a 2010, the type of information the OP describes is on the MID, or at least that sounds like what he means. Neither screen is prone to burn-in. LCD screens, such as the MFD, are susceptible to "image persistence", which isn't a burn-in phenomenon but effectively amounts to the same thing. I haven't heard of any problems with this on the Gen II Prius, so I would be surprised if it happened with the Gen IIIs. Either way, the OP's car is far too young for any image persistence issues. As for the MID, that uses a different display technology. The display items are actually formed into the display during manufacture, so you can see ghost images of the displays. I suspect this is what you are seeing. Tom
I've noticed the same thing. I'll go from the HSI to the 1 or 5-minute bar graph and the "ECO" light that is on top of the HSI tends to glow brighter on the bars. This has only been noticable at night with the display on its brightest setting. If I turn the dimmer down from the "clicked" full brightness position to the dimmed position it isn't noticable. Kris
I've noticed it very strongly (2010). Switch from the main display to 5-minute bars and parts of the bars are about half brightness, where the previous indicator was. EDIT: Oh, I forgot to add that I keep the display on the highest ("click") brightness setting at all times. Perhaps the phenomenon is more visible at higher levels?
I'm beginning to see this in my MID as well - not so sure if it's burn-in or just the way they've designed the elements. Also when dimmed, I can see evidence of where unlit red pixels are present vs. where they're absent. Might be worth leaving the car in 1 or 5 min consumption mode for a week or two, then flipping to another mode to see if this leaves a similar "burn" in, or if this is just the way the elements are designed.
If you switch to a different display, the "burn-in" seems to subside after 20-30 minutes. After running HSI for 95% of the time over the last month, you can see a trace of the ECO logo in the tallest bar (5th segment from the right) and the unevenness of the brightness in the vertical bars: After 20-30 minutes using 1 minute consumption w/ some high MPG bars to fill things in, the "burn-in" effect seemed to subside (note again the 5th segment from the right) - the brightness is far more even: I would suggest at this point that the burn-in appearance is likely temporary. It will become more obvious once I'm able to view the display w/ the lights on (dimmed display).
HTMLSpinnr, in http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii-2010-prius-main-forum/69614-energy-monitor-burning-in.html, patandrich suggests that the burn in effect is more than temporary. Can you (or anyone else!) confirm you observe the same?
This comment has nothing to do with the topic, but came to my mind as I was looking at the 1min/5min bar graphs... In the US you want to have the bars as high as possible (more MPGs as possible), while in Europe or where you calculate in L/100km, you want to keep the bars as low as possible.... that is, exactly the opposite representation...the same goes with the instant consumption gauge.