Yes, I have read the threads on using synthetic oil on the Gen II board, but no one seems to really know what benefits there are to using synthetic oil. Does anyone know if milage improves with the use of synthetic oil. I know it costs more and that you have to change the oil every 5k miles to maintain the warranty, but is there any real benefit to paying the premium for synthetic oil? I figure it would cost me $27 more to use synthetic over regular oil.
Hi antoine, Being in Maine you must park your car in an heated indoor space to not realise the main(e) advantage of synthetic oil. Its much less viscous in cold weather. Its original usage was for aircraft gas turbines. Part of the qualifications of such engines is high altitude restart. Up at jet cruising altitudes its always 30 deg F below zero or colder. If the petroleum oils were used in those turbines, when the turbine was shut down the engine would quickly become so stiff due to the oils the engine would not easily restart. Synthetic oil solved this problem. There are all sorts of premium oils out there above standard synthetic (such as Mobil 1). Check out the website for detailed technical discussions of automotive oils. Most cars with chain driven valve trains require oil changing at 3000 miles. Such as my old Saturn SL2. The Prius also has a chain, but has a 5000 mile cycle due to the reduced RPM at highway speed, and time the engine is off, thanks to the hybrid system, presumably.
Synthetic won't break down when exposed to the high temperatures and long change intervals. Since Toyota still insist on 5000 mile changes I feel it is overkill. But then again I didn't get sued for having oil sludge in my engines. Overkill can keep you out of trouble if you're the one spec'ing the requirements.
Synthetic oil maintains its viscosity (resistance to shear) at higher temperatures which helps prevent wear on the moving engine parts. Synthetic oils do not get as thick as regular oils at lower temperatures. This makes starting your vehicle on cold mornings a whole lot easier. Synthetic oil provides a "slicker" surface for moving parts which reduces friction - the primary cause of wear. Synthetic oils last longer than regular oils. I derive pleasure in changing my own oil so price is no problem. Most OEM filters are reasonable in price so I prefer them. Walmart had some 0W20 on the shelf. Can't remember the maker. I was told to perform the first oil change on the Prius at 2,500 miles.
Wal-Mart here has Mobil 1 0W-20 for $6.27/quart,that's what I plan on using. If the dealer changes it for me they will let me supply my own oil. I switched my 2005 to Mobil 1 synthetic of the proper viscosity for that car (5W-30) and I could detect absolutely no difference in fuel economy.
For the GIII I'd like to see you buy 0W20 (the required viscosity) oil in non-synthetic. Toyota says you MUST use this viscosity, and if you don't for one change, you must return to it on the next change. So for the GIII car the question is moot. You have to use synthetic. I still use Mobil 1 in my GII, mainly because I don't like lousy oil, especially in this climate (it goes from about -50C to +40C over the year, though the "normal" range we see is about -40C to about +30C). I don't have to worry about whether I remembered to change my oil for the winter. I don't see viscosity breakdown in the heat of summer. I don't worry when I drive into a hotter climate. My oil can take it, whether or not I can.
Thanks for the info. I had a 07 Mini that came from the dealer with synthetic oil. The required interval between oil changes was 1 year or a little over 12K miles. I guess I figured that with the 5K interval required by Toyota for the Prius, it didn't make much sense to spend the extra cash. My local Wally-World does not sell the 0 W 20 synthetic, but I will try other outlets. By the way, has anyone tried to determine if lessing engine friction with synthetic oil, has any influence on gas consumption. Just wondering.
yes it does and that is one of the resesons they want you to use it. It even says it on some of the syn oil containers. It was sae oil then 10w then 5w and now 00w. The gas saving oil justs keeps getting better and withstands breaking down with heat less and a better anti wear additive in it. We have used it in Air cooled Harleys for years. But I would never take it past 7500 miles. To much dirt in the oil and the oil filter is just to small. Also not all oil filters are the same. There are diffrent levels of oil filters that filter the dirt from the oil. They are starting to label the % that a filter filters the dirt. 2 to 5 dollars more will get you a better filter.
6 months or 5k miles whichever comes first is the recommended service interval. I have used synthetic oil in my vehicles for the past few years. I've had a Chevy Astro, Tacoma, and FJ cruiser. I all of these vehicles I have used the gas saving formula and have gotten max mpg's out of them. My Tacoma 4x4 was rated at 15-19 and I got 21mpg's. My FJ is also 15-19 and I am getting 19mpg. I believe in synthetic oils, but still change at the required service intervals despite the oil's ability to not break down.
I use Mobile 1 and I pay an oil change shop to change mine (for ecological reasons - they dispose of it properly, and I don't have to risk a spill in my garage). One aspect that has not been mentioned is the Gen II tends to rev its little heart out on climbing. I live in the Denver metro and commute over foothills. I figure the Mobile 1 helps protect the engine at high revs better than standard oil. Besides, I've used Mobile 1 in everything since I owned a 1987 Shelby CSX Turbo which required it for warranty purposes (synthetic is almost mandatory for turbos due to the heat the turbocharger puts into the oil, and the oil baking that occurs at the turbo bearing on shutdown).
Toyota 0W-20 While searching for 0W-20 oil I run across some posts in the Tundra Solutions Forum that might be of interest: Conventional 0W-20 oil - anyone seen any? - Page 2 - Tundra Solutions Forum Some of the people there say they have found Toyota 0W-20 at their dealer for $3.65/qt if they buy a 12 qt case. I ask my dealer and he had not heard of it but said he would find out.
Considering that Toyota 0W-20 is full synthetic, the dealer price is more likely to be $8+ per US quart. But if the parts dept made a mistake and the price is really $4/qt, buy all that you can and stock up!
Walmart is having a sale on oil right now. Five quart size of 0W30 and 5W30 was $22. I also picked up 4 quarts of Mobile 1 0W20 at $6 something a quart. I never see 0W40 for sale at Walmart. I have to pay full price at one of our local auto parts stores to change the oil in my Mercedes SLK. I'm stocked up now!! At that price, I sould have bought more.
I see you live in Eastern Oregon. I'm in Southern Oregon and our Grants Pass Walmart does not carry any brand of 0W40. I think I paid about $8 a quart at a local parts store. I now have a year to find a deal on 0W40. I did see 0W30 in Walmart today. That was a surprise. That was on sale for $22. I too paid $6.27 for the 0W20. I nearly wiped out the row they had on the shelf.
Wal-Mart here in Hermiston has had the 0W-40 for quite a while now at $6.27, it's also available at Auto Zone for $6.99. You might be able to talk the manager into stocking it? I'm familiar with your part of the state, I grew up near Medford.