I am considering buying my Prius in California & having it shipped to Florida where I live. I was told if it is shipped out of California I do not have to pay the California taxes. But, do I have to pay the Florida tax when it gets here?
That sounds correct. You will pay the State Sales Tax where you register it. You will need the MCO from the Dealership that you purchase the car from. Make sure you pay with a Certified Check or do a wire transfer to the Dealership's account. If you don't, they will hold the MCO until the check clears which is usually 10 business days. Just to make it easy, pay one of the two ways I mentioned. Then take it with the ODO Statement and Purchase Order to DMV, pay your Taxes and Fees and get your Tag. It's really pretty simple.
That is incorrect. You will pay sales tax in the state that you register the vehicle. I know this for a fact as I have purchased several cars out of state. Scott
You must pay tax when it is registered. There is absolutely no way to get one over on the Government. Trust me, people would be doing that all the time to avoid tax. The State/City will charge you the tax upon registration. I believe it's around 6% State plus local County tax in FL.
Last year I was looking to buy an new 09 Prius in California (I live in Seattle Wa.) I was told at a Ca dealer that the only way you would not pay sales tax in Ca was to never have the wheels touch the ground until you enter your state-which means trucking it-which would be too much money. What usually happens is you pay the Ca tax, and lose out if your home state taxes are less-or pay the difference if its more.
I purchased the most recent of my older vehicles in CA just last summer; then as in the past the car was delivered to me just across the border in AZ. I had to pay several hundred dollars for a retired guy to drive my 'new' vehicle while my wife and I followed in a chase car provided by the dealer at no additional $$. We then drove the 'new' rig through Arizona, Nevada, Idaho and finally into Oregon where it was registered, etc.; no CA sales tax.
You will still have to pay tax in FL. There is no way around it. If you are still doubting, then you should contact the FL DMV and ask them. Can't you get your car in FL? It seems like it would be a lot less hassle.
Don't forget that there is a federal tax deduction for new cars bought this year. You can deduct your state sales tax. It doesn't amount to a large sum of money, but it is better than nothing! And yeah, it is impossible to get around paying taxes somewhere for purchasing a new car. Generally you'll pay in whatever state the car is titled/registered after the sale. As they say, all that is certain in life is death and taxes!