There are a few cool April Fools hoaxes on the internet. Here are two I thought I'd share: Go to Star - they've redone the entire site, including a introducing a new reality show, Klingon Eye for the Human Guy - including a preview! (traffic is very high on the site right now, so be prepared for load errors) A casting notice went up today (it's pilot season) for CSI: Middle Earth. Anyone else see anything fun today? has a job listing for something 'out of this world' in their new lunar facility. They've also announced free email with 1 gig capacity for each user. Debate is still going on whether this is a real press release, or an april fools joke. the google mail site can be found at -m.
Gmail's not a joke and it's going to hopefully revolutionize how free email systems are done. It's an awesome idea, I can't wait for it. "Google says "Gmail" is no joke, but lunar jobs are"
Well, I already gave them my email to let me know when it's online, so if it is a joke, I fell for it. But how can I not switch my 10 year free account with which only gives me 4 megs, to google's 1 gig? Simply no choice, it has to be google. -m.
No - nothing on the web. But I did pull a Prius april fools joke on my husband. I called him up and said the dealer said the car was in (The dealer did say the car would be in in April, so it wasn't a stretch) He believed me for about a minute or so until he realized it was April Fool's
I'm still having trouble believing it ... I've been compiling a list of hoaxes today, I stuck them on my blog, if anyone is looking for a laugh.