Being that my Wife and I both have Toyota's with the built in navigation. I was going to update both of the disks to the new 8.1 when I got to the dealership I was amazed that they where so much money and of course they where not willing to make a deal. Long story short is it possible to run a burn version of the software in the car? I am not saying that I am planning on doing this I am just wondering if the cars nav brain can even read burned discs.
Burns have been attempted and very few claim to have done it successfully. Then you have the problem of it working in your nav even though it works in theirs. Different generations won't work with other players. Its a double density disk and all codes have to be copied so it appears as a "stamped" disk rather than a "burn't" one. By the time you finally fine one, it would have been cheaper just to buy it. What I hate is I have "two" cars.... so I guess one always gets the left-overs.
I have found the nav software very inaccurate, not taking me the most direct route. does anyone know if the v8.1 is any better? What is the cost?
Quite often when you route to a certain address, the system will give you 3 possible routes. Make sure you have not turned off one of those options. I doubt that the 8.1 version will be any better.
I actually bought a copy from a guy on Craig's List but I never had the $^&# to install it. I live in the NY area and I'm still happy with my version as there are no new roads around here.
As you may know, the most direct route can be very slow based on what type of roads are involved. I"ve seen people use mapquest and spend 2 hours longer on a 5 hour trip that could have taken 3 hours if they had stayed on the more indirect freeways rather than going through every little town and their stoplights and slow speed limits. It does try to guess "based on the roads it see's" how long each route will take. If you'll notice, sometimes the option for "shortest" often takes longer based on the softwares projection. Also, you may want to go into your settings and tell your nav how fast you drive on typical types of roads. It will give you a range of mph to choose for 3 different types of roads. For some reason, I have mine all turned up to the max and it projects time quite accurately!
What's the current version? I forget ot the top of my head, and will look next time in car, but i think I am 8.1 Certain things like some folks addresses (even my own ) isn't on the disk. no big deal, I know whereI live Generally how much are upgrades for folks that plan to get them? A friend just told me some Honda cars have user upgradable Hard drives. We are on DVD on the prius right? I'm fine and have no real concerns, but down the road may opt for a future update. Which BTW makes me wonder if the G3's have the same system as the G2 models, and therefore use a disk- OR are user upgradable now??? hmm
Going by memory.. I do think 8.1 is the latest till the new one comes out in Nov or so. Its ashamed we are still running off DVD when they cost so much.... hardrive would be nice. The lowest price I know for the upgraded DVD is 229.00. Seems silly when the upfront price is so high.. I bought the top of the line Escort IX radar detector and Have free upgrades for life for traffic camera database locations and SW upgrades. I know attaining the info to compile the new Nav maps is expensive, but existing customers have paid their fee... let the new customers pay the future paychecks. Many products work that way.
Well your $229 price is about $50 cheaper than I have found! Still it is amazing that you can buy a brand new top of the line Garmin at Costco for $229 and they will sell you one update for about $60 bucks or Lifetime updates for $100. The data cannot be that expensive if Garmin (who posts a new update every 3 months) will let you update for life for 1/3 what Toyota wants for a single update!! I am told that Toyota's update that come out each fall/winter are actually more like 1/2 of an update. The local Parts manager told me that each year Toyota updates either the Eastern US or the Western US with the west done in even years and the east done in odd years. The '05 Prius with Nav I just purchased has a data base that is so old it does not even have my entire street on it and my house was built in 2002... so much for current data. I would love to have more current data and I am quite willing to pay a "reasonable" price for such updates! But the prices Toyota is trying to "gouge" for this disc is just plain silly!!
I agree.. they still can stick it to you by having the whole package integrated.... a reason many don't get nav.