Might be a good idea. You don't want to leave them in the sun for too long, if you know what I mean. Tom
Hearses here have side windows in the back, and usually really big ones. A very bad photoshop but a great idea. Some of the comments on the page are great shows of ignorance indeed.
A stretched Prius isn't unheard-of... Our member PriusLimo spliced together two wrecked Gen-2 Prii to make a 6-door Prius stretch limousine.. http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-prius-modifications/38823-prius-stretch-limo-part-deux.html I would imagine a Prius hearse would be a similar effort. Forget hauling a coffin in the back.. I want a Prius Hearse dressed up as a Ghostbuster Ectomobile.
It is currently for sale in Japan. https://buyee.jp/item/yahoo/auction/u1023716228?conversionType=service_page_search