I'm still not sure after trying to understand all I've read how a dealer knows he can get you want you want a month away. He doesn't know what he has cioming in until the ship is loaded and the region starts allocating. I can only guess he says a month because he figures he should be able to match up with an allocation in that time. That's probably a good assumption if your car is not a scarce optioned model. But it has to still be a guess since he like any other dealer is subject to obtaining his car from the supply that is on the ships as they come in. I'm sure about any dealer can meet that demand for a non scarce car, I just wouldn't take the month as anything more than a target. They may get it next week.
Jabber isn't that far away, and you'll be driving to WI anyway, fairly soon. See what he can do for you![/quote] +1 Go see Jabber if you can. He is a great guy and will treat you right.
Toyota Transportation Staff Wrecked your car I keep reading that header, and it's buggin' me! The car never got to your dealership - "The Transport Staff" wrecked it. Not your dealer/dealership. Ya gotta forgive them, I'm sure they would have preferred it not be damaged!
For the other guy maybe we need a Heading like this, My Dealer lies more than the Devil. He caught him lying everytime he talked to him about his wrecked car until some people on prius chat made him confess and now the guy has to wait a month for another car. You also know that a top notch Dealer could get one faster than that with everything he wants. Dianne mayde you should help him. Untill I walk in the dealership and see my replacement car actually there.The 220 Big Dog is going to keep on Barking. I drove 800 mile yesterday in 90+ heat without AC and ever mile I was thinking I should be in my Pruis right now. I didn't hear them saying you want to use one of our cars while yours is coming in.
There are ways to get a car that is almost in port or in port that was not your car. It is always who you know not what you know!
I've helped as best I am able. If he was closer, or wanted to fly... I could help him PDQ but you're right. There are dealers who could have replacement cars quick. Apparently, that isn't one of them. It takes TWO different solutions to a quick replacement car. Dealer trade for one, which could be hard for them to do w/o a "like" car to trade with. Or, ask their region for a replacement, but the protocol to that is off the next allocation in early July. A month wait would make sense. If he flew to me, he'd have to take a NAV car because our III's are mostly all NAV cars in SoCal. For me to find a III w/o NAV would have to mean a trade of a car that's not close to coming in yet, and frankly, I think he can do better by widening his search because he's surrounded with other states that may have cars. Am fortunate to have cars available, and even right now! One could even be shipped to him but that can be pricy... I wonder what the damage was on his original car. I had a vehicle about 2 months ago that claimed damage on the invoice and it was nothing more than the gas door being bent back (it was a Landcruiser) so they replaced it at PORT... maybe it wasn't that bad? Funny - one small change in the dealer's communication could have changed it all. I'm sure he still would have been frustrated and angry... but they would have sure come off better by just telling him it was damaged earlier - IF they knew it was damaged earlier.
The car the dealer is talking about is already in a ship and has been allocated to their inventory. It just happens to be my first choice and nobody else has put a deposit on it, so I’m just lucky. I’m not sure about the exact dates (will find out today and hopefully close the deal), but he said is due on port in 1 week, then 3 more weeks to arrive in the dealership, so total 1 month!
+1 Go see Jabber if you can. He is a great guy and will treat you right.[/quote] Thanks for the suggestion, I don't know him personally but I agree he seems like a great guy. I'm closing the deal with another local dealer today, which is my preference because will not start travelling to WI until mid-September. If it doesn't work out, yes, maybe Jabber can help me...
Re: Toyota Transportation Staff Wrecked your car Absolutely agree! Dealerships don't usually damage cars... both my and gofast cars got damaged during transport... but my main problem was not that... my problem was that the dealer was never up front about it and did not manage the situation right. But, that's past now... I need to get my excitement to own a Prius back and forget about that horrible past dealership experience... hopefully will never go through that again!
Dianne, thanks very much for your help. I prefer a non-NAV one and my local dealer ensured me that he can get me a Prius just like I want in 1 month (it just happens that the same car is in a ship, has been allocated to the dealer, and is due on port in 1 week, plus 3 weeks to arrive in the dealer lot). This time, I hope to have more luck. I'm supposed to close the deal today, but if it doesn't work out for some reason, then I will consider Jabber due to the very strong recommendations. Thanks a bunch anyway. YEP! If they had been up front about it, I would have got the car, no problem... but unfortunately it was not the case...
Thanks for the suggestion, I don't know him personally but I agree he seems like a great guy. I'm closing the deal with another local dealer today, which is my preference because will not start travelling to WI until mid-September. If it doesn't work out, yes, maybe Jabber can help me...[/quote] Myself, along with a few others on the forum, have met and dealt with Jabber directly. So, you can trust us. And Jabber isnt paying us to say nice things about him. (yet) just kidding. He really is a great guy.
I WOULD NOT take delivery on a damaged car. Why? Good chance that it MAY show up in an accident report on carfax when you try to resell it in the future. If someone is filing the accident on insurance, then it will certainly show up. You asked for opinions so I shared mine with you. Good Luck! Scott
This waiting list thing is nuts? I was told by several dealers that there would be a six to 8 week wait after placing and order. Some dealers had a 40 person waiting list. I kept calling around and found a dealer that had a new 2010 red Prius that I was looking for, no wait, they had it for the price I liked. I went in and bought it, no wait. I think it is just the dealer you are working with, or I got really lucky. Sorry to hear about the accident. Try calling around, maybe you can get lucky and find one waiting for you. Best of luck.
That Jasper guy is ok in my bo.. oh wait. I think it goes without saying that if he needs any help, he can always contact me. It really isn't that far, and I have had customers come from a much greater distance away (cough, Jay C, cough, Synapse)
GoFast, I am in Denver waiting for my Prius too. There was one at a different dealer than who I have my order in with (package V w/ATP) that I found over the weekend. I called my dealer on Monday and he said that they were in process of doing a three-way trade with this dealer and the other dealers sister store. All week long, I was reassured that this was going to happen and the car was mine. When my dealer didn't call me yesterday, I thought that I would call him today for an update. He got back to me a couple of hours ago and told me that they sold the car out from under him. I'm not sure I believe this and will be calling this other dealer to confirm if the car is still there. What Denver dealership are you working with?
I got mine at Faulkner in Bensalem, PA (Just over the Philly line) Sales person was Patty. She was great. $25.5k 2010 Prius 3 w\Nav. No pressure sell, no wait, none of that oh this is just our sample for customers to look at while we take orders. Tell her Mark the Fireman who bought the Fire Engine Red 2010 Prius sent you, lol, she'll know who your talking about. I know they had more when I stopped down a few days later.