i know i know its easy to hook up to prius. BUT my scan guage ii which i have had for several great years is going to sleep. if i rember right you have to tell it that its hooked up to a hybrid but i dont remember how to do it, i also forget the size of the engine. i think its 1.8 liters. indulge me please and dont flame me too bad. help help. thanks, fred from nashville 2010 series II barcelona red. named "smiling red"
Fred Here is the link to the complete Scangauge 2 manual. I haven't installed mine in my 2010 yet, wondering where everyone is mounting them at. Hope this helps. ScanGaugeII - Frequently Asked Questions
thankyou timberwolf lol,i set it up. found manual . went to set up set engine size (1.8) went to gas type and it showed hybrid, botta bing!, not falling asleep anymore. now have a tach, water temp and many other doodads, the best acc i have ever bought. have had it in porsche, kia, solstice etc etc, mounting very weird, double side tape at an angle below shift lever, not pretty but works. fred from nashville.