--EDIT-- Admins, do not know how to delete this thread, so feel free to move to Audio section. --/EDIT-- I've installed a Dice Silverline recently on a 2008 Prius Base and it worked fine. I'm wondering if the same one would work on the 2010 Prius II. The store shows the Silverline and a Toyota OEM made for the 2010. I know I've been lazy to test the one I have on the 2008 on the 2010, but I'm still trying to figure out how to remove the 2010's dash (or just the glove box like on the 2008?). Thanks folks.
Do you happen to know how much the OEM TOYOTA cable is? I had asked in another thread, since no one replied I figured I am missing something about it. Still would love to know how good that TOYOTA cable is and how much? Did the DICE do anything more or less than the OEM? And relative cost? thanks
I'm not sure exactly how the OEM one is different. By cable, do you mean the whole ipod-kit unit? My 2008 is basic so it didn't have SAT on it which means Toyota doesn't even support it. Dice works fairly well. I bought the dice off eBay for like $100 which wasn't bad. Check out this forum's shop or coastaletech.com
AFAIK the ipod and SAT version prius just need a cable. But I wonder if anyone knows how "integrated" the OEM cable is compared to the other products. If the prices are all similar I suspect the DICE is least expensive, then the DICE makes sense. But as i understand it the DICe is not a FULL integration. Not sure the limits of the DICE- And not sure of how the OEM works. thanks
Yeah, that's why I am. I"ve installed the Dice on an 08 w/o the SAT option and it works decent. Navigation of the iPod music on the base stereo is somewhat bad, but it gets the job done. I'm wondering how different the Dice might be on the 2010 and how different the OEM is then the Dice. At a hundred bucks difference, it might be good to know.
There is one other brand/option. I read it here in the forums. Cant recall the name right now, but it was even spendier. Also not sure of the OEM price and if the OEM is cheaper than the spendy 1--- I'll look up the name. Maybe the OEM cable is in the middle price range. the other one is called VAIS. Any way the comparative info i have gathered seemed to be about the VAIS and the DICE excluding the OEM cable. Would love to hear if anyone has used the OEM ipod cable and how it works.