I like the doughnuts at Dunkin' Donuts, so I guess I'd like them at Timmy's too. I especially like the French crullers. But I don't like Wonder Bread. * * * * * * IMO, the standard White Castle hamburger (not the cheeseburger) is among the 50 greatest dishes in the world.
Which, of course, is why there are many different restaurants. As the old saying goes, there is no accounting for taste. Tom
"IMO, the standard White Castle hamburger (not the cheeseburger) is among the 50 greatest dishes in the world." Sliders are to die for...
I like the doughnuts at Dunkin' Donuts more than those at Krispy Kreme -- mainly because I think Krispy Kreme uses too much sugar. But Krispy Kreme is good too.
Blech, Tim Horton's coffee. I overdosed on that swill at my old job. Everyday 3 or 4 people would come in with a big tray of double-doubles for us, now I can't even stomach one! Their previously frozen donuts are gross and tasteless but that doesn't seem to stop my boyfriend from going across the street to pick up a half dozen for his dinner. I stay away from that place entirely unless I'm doing a Canadian road trip; then it feels like the perfect food. Hopping from Timmies to Timmies through all the towns and cities along the way. :canada:
I wonder what is more barbaric, a restaurant where the staff are under paid and rely on the generosity of the customers or a restaurant where the prices are maybe a little higher but the staff are paid a wage they can live on and even buy a home on?
I agree. Apparently, the recipe for Krispy Kreme is "Add some sugar to some sugar. Mix in some sugar. Top with sugar." The two things I missed when I lived in the Bay Area were good pizza and good donuts.
Yeah, we did the Timmie's Tour a few years ago - the quintessentially Canadian thing to do, eh? I drove the whole way and back, so coffee stops were more frequent than gas stops. I even bought some caffeine pills for those times there wasn't another donut on the horizon. I can do without the donuts, but cookies are pretty tasty.
I've only done the Timmie's Tour as far as Edmonton. I'd like to drive across Canada but I'm not sure there's enough coffee in the world to keep me awake through the Prairies!
That's where the caffeine pills came in handy. Actually, the Prairies can be quite scenic in their own way. Sunrise, sunset, wind blowing in the tall grass, changing clouds, the different coloured crops...and there are quirky little stops, like a massive silver collection in Weyburn, several barns full of used farm equipment in Moose Jaw, the set of 'Corner Gas'...but, no, not REAL scenery like BC's mountains and coastline.
lol.. just like the Timmie's ad showing Tim Horton's across the country mmhmm. Once in a while is good, esp. if it's the free ones when the front shop light is on. lol. I drove across and ate subway instead of Timmie's Welcome to middle-of-nowhere Saskatchewan. I took this last summer when I drove across the country.
This talk of hopping from Timmies to Timmies on a Canadian road trip reminds me of one of my favorite small but great pleasures: Touring Cape Cod or Martha's Vineyard by bicycle and stopping every couple of hours to try a local shop's New England clam chowder. Very tasty.
Best donuts in the world (or close enough at any rate): Rolling Pin Donuts, San Bruno 94066 - Restaurant Reviews - jatbar Thank god I don't live near them anymore...