I finally got the call today at 4pm... the truck with my Prius reached the dealer... but the sales rep told me it won't be ready for delivery until tomorrow!!! Argh... he said the service department closes at 6pm, and they have yet to unload it from the truck. I have waited for over 4 weeks, and now I have to wait another long day. Frustrating, other dealers would stay late to close the deal sooner, oh well, at least it's finally here...
Thanks, it's a red Prius II. I think it'll have the bumper aplique and the mats. I bought the all weather mats online and may be adding the iPod adapter later.
Normally it will take the techs about 6 hrs to prep your car. At least that's what i've seen at my local dealer. Are you have any of the custom settings done? reverse beeper, all doors unlock at same time,doors lock at speed (12mph) and things like that? better have them do it when preping it so you dont get charged for coming in later to have things changed. They have to have it hooked to computer to do some of the changes. Might ask your dealer to see the section in manual to chose some if you want them. Page 579 in main manual
I assumed it would only take a couple hours to get it ready, but I guess it takes more than that. I did not ask for any custom settings, thanks for the tip!
My dealer said they could not change the reverse beeper and seat belt beep due to safety laws....is that normal?
According to Toyota TIS the Pre Delivery Service pays 1.5 hours to the dealer and if they don't keep the completed PDS list in the customer file they may be debited during an audit.
My salesman called around 11 a.m. and told me I could pick up the car at 4 pm that day. I get there at 4 pm and they make me wait for an hour before I get to see the Finance guy to hand over my money. I paid cash (with a check and credit card), but they still made me fill out a credit request form. I was not pleased with that experience.
I have no idea if it's a local law where you are or just a bunch of dealer BS. Had no problem getting it done here.
Yeah my dealer told me I could pay with a personal check but that there is a law that says any personal check over $10,000 requires a credit check. Doubtful, more like "we just want to make sure you're not a deadbeat" which I think is sensible. To be honest I was surprised the dealership didn't require a cashier's check.
Same here in FL. I paid the deposit with $1K credit card over the phone, the balance $$$ with a personal check on delivery. I completed a very brief credit appl off the dealer's home page a few days prior; they called 15 min later - approved. Very simple and straightforward. I don't really understand the angst here over a credit check - to accept a check for that amount? If I was on their end, I'd want one of the customer's kids for collateral until that sucker clears. I just switched from Direct TV to Dish Network. They had to run a credit check - company policy and standard practice. Not thrilled about that one, but these days with defaults, foreclosures et al...
If the credit request form had been explained by the dealer in that light then I might not have minded giving out all my personal information. They told me it was for Homeland Security purposes which struck me as pure BS. FWIW - I didn't have to fill out a credit request form in 2002 when I wrote a check for a new car at a VW dealer so I wasn't expecting it this time around.