This is my first post. Thinking of buying a Prius. Anything I should look out for. Any years better then others? Trouble areas? Any help or recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Bob
Here are Consumer Reports' reliability ratings for each year of the Prius (except 2009, which it predicted would be very reliable): [imglink][/imglink] Here are all the eBrochures for the Gen II Prius. They're very useful for seeing what was standard equipment and what were the different option packages for each model year: 04_prius.pdf 05_prius.pdf 06_prius.pdf 07_prius.pdf 08_prius.pdf 09_prius.pdf Also, these two recent/current threads are worth checking out: If I were looking for a used Gen II Prius, I'd be looking at the 2006 - 2009 model years, and looking for cars that had at least the following equipment: 1. Vehicle Stability Control 2. Backup Camera 3. Front Seat side airbags and Front and Rear side curtain airbags 4. Aux Input for audio devices
Which year is best? Generally speaking, the most recent year is the best year as gremlins are found and eliminated, systems up-dated, features added, and the like. Any exceptions? As my father, a former DeSoto-Plymouth (r.i.p.) dealer, always counseled me: Beware of the first year of a redesign--it may well have more problems than the last year of the previous design. I'm waiting for the 2011 Prius.
It's like anything really. But as far as a little helpful thought: I can say I have NOT driven a 2010. but i do know they have some new bells and whistles that are PRETTY COOL. The 2010 have selective EV mode. Which is a user override to run all electric for brief spurts. 2010 have a bit more power in a 1.8L motor vs the 1.5L 2010 have a bit better MPG (probably do to larger motor, not sure if reason though) 2010 moved the apex of the curve of the roof back a few inches. I can sit in the back of my 2009 no problem. But i can foresee if there were a car wreck my head could/would hit the top of the roof instead of the seat head rest. 2009 should be reletively less expensive being the older car All that said i am NOT complaining about my 09 at all. I like nearly everyting about it. To me the 2009 and the 2010 are both excellent. just that i may have missed a couple added things. But really, my G2 offers so much and uses soooo little gas. I'm not hurting with mine also if you look on various sites like auto trader you can compare pricing and sometimes features. I didn't relaize all the "levels" of Pirus: 1 to 6 plus various add ons. quite an assortment. good luck