Now, I don't think I listen to my music TOO loud (is 45 loud?) but I always expected some fireworks if my system ever blew up. I have had my Prius for about 6 months, and today I pulled up to my girlfriends house, turned down the radio, turned off my car and was there for about an hour. When I left, I turned on my car only to hear a "click-click" much like the tapping of fingernails on a table, that repeated every two seconds. I thought, it would go away. But it didnt. So I turned off the car and turned it back on. Nothing. Still clicking, so I went to the volume knob to turn it down (it is quite loud), still nothing. I don't even get info on the MFD saying I am altering the sound level. So I try the volume on the steering wheel with the same results. Click-click. I try the radio, thinking it could be the CD player, but nothing. I even power off the audio completely and it still click-clicks out of every speaker, every two seconds. Now, I figured if I blew out my speakers then I wouldn't be able to hear this click-click right? Is this a symptom of something anyone out there is familiar with? I'll be calling Toyota in the morning... if i don't drive into a wall first, its driving me INSANE! thom
45.. yeah.. kinda loud. you blast music. system tops out at 63.. well.. it says 62.. then the next notch is MAX. the system will not blow at MAX. we.. unless you have the bass up all the way and a song with a really good bass response.. and it's from a cd. that's about the only way. what you described is very strange. trip to the dealer maybe?
I got the eq pretty tame, definately not pushing the bass too much. I think mine goes up to 60 so I thought 45 wasn't too bad for tops (38 is my normal, usually 45 on the freeway) but it seems like its something that isn't going to just go away...
45 is comfortable listening at highway speed and my usual setting too. Conversation is possible, but if I'll be talking a lot or if it's important I turn down to 35...30 when talking to my kids in the back b/c they tend to be harder to understand. I would definately not consider 45 'loud' on my system. (JBL 9 speaker)
ever since i started listening to AM radio, my volume setting is 25 to 30. Going at higher speeds, i'll turn it up to 35 or possibly 40. I usually don't pass 40 anymore. Strange for me, seeing 45 was my listening volume. if only i could effectively get rid of all that road noise. I was thinking of the dynamat ( spelled correct? ) and sound bocking film for the windows. the only companies that i found that do window film are designed for residential and commerial building.. or houses. wonder if it would work with a car?...
I'm gonna addend my post a bit.... When I listen to CDs they are much louder than regular radio which is a bit louder than XM radio. I almost always listen to XM and my comments above are for that. When listening to CDs 45 is definately "loud" and it's more comfortable, at highway speeds, to listen at 40. When on slower speeds and at a stop all numbers are more comfortable to listen to at 5-10 lower than hwy numbers. Darn I wish they'd have included the ASL feature! BTW, I have no idea about the click-click problem and I'm sorry the thread's gotten hijacked.
seneros: did you get it fixed yet? What did it turn out to be? After reading the long post on the JBL system, I've been guessing that it is a malfunction in the amp... the click-click was maybe attempting to start, and then shutting off.
nothing yet. i took it to toyota over a week ago for my scheduled service and asked them to look at the radio too (they said they would call me at noon to tell me what it was... never called) and when I picked up my car, he said he had to "special order some parts" but avoided the question when I asked him what they were. needless to say, the parts haven't come in yet, and no one's called, whatever happened. I can still make bluetooth calls and hear through my speakers, so I know those are functional.
okay well I got tired of waiting and called toyota. all the guy could tell me was that they ordered an entire new stereo for me and it would be in on thursday. that doesn't exactly tell me what went wrong or how it happened (or how many/what parts exactly is a "stereo") but we'll see.
Someday I'll have to figure out how you equalize the volume of MP3s when you burn a CD. Some are a LOT louder than others, and one volume setting just doesn't cut it. When 'cranked' to 50, "Layla" is fine but when "Original Sin" kicks in, I have to leap at the volume control and go down to 45 or so. I still want someone to perfect a 'crank' button, where the settings I'm at are saved and the car goes to loud mode instantly. Then when I'm done, the same button would uncrank things and let my ears recuperate. I sure hope an iPod is capable of taking care of the loudness problem for me. I'll retire my homemade disks in a heartbeat if it works out better that way...
Did the MFD beep when you pressed its buttons? If so, that would probably rule out the amp as the problem. If not, then its a good chance it is the amp, though the header could be causing AVC corruption, but then the NAV wouldn't work either.
If you were creating the mp3s, the program you're using should have a "normalize" option. I use audiograbber (because it has LAME support in Windows unlike iTunes), and it does normalization of the volume. I set that to 98% max volume. If it's mp3s you've acquired through other sources, then your mp3->audiocd burner software should have normalization options. I know iTunes does although I'm not sure if it carries through into the audiocd burning process, and I need to look it up for Nero.
Hmm, if its the amp, I wonder why they are telling me they ordered an entire stereo. I can't help but envision them ripping out the whole dash and replacing everything... but I'll assume they know what they're doing.
Often they don't. Logic isn't all technician's strong suit. But then having experience in discussions on sites like this can give us insights that dealer techs don't get. I am sure they have no clue that the beep is generated by the amp. For a while, we weren't sure, but the actuall packet on AVC commanding the beep has been scoped out. The packet was from MFD to AMP. So, if you had beeps, it probably would not be the amp, as it would be concluded the amp was receiving beep command from MFD, and was able to create the beep throught the actual amplifiers. Does the header respond, even though you get clicks? In other words, can you change stations and CD tracks? If so: Header works, though no sound. Amp has no sound (but clicks) including beeps that don't depend on the header.
I can change stations an tracks and all... the only thing that the MFD no longer does/shows is the volume change. That has me kinda stumped. That and the only thing coming out of the speakers (when not on the phone or listening to the NAV) is the clicking...
That totally convinces me that the amp is bad. Think of this as a component home stereo system. You have a separate CD player that works fine, but you turn on the amp and you get nothing but hum. Your remote control operates both. Your remote can change CDs and tracks, but it can't change the amp volume. Your system normally would beep if you pressed something on your remote, but now all you get is hum. You also have a telephone speakerphone that has speaker outputs that you hook up directly to your speakers. It also can switch in and out the amp to the speakers as needed. It works with the remote, and you can make phonecalls fine. What would you conclude is bad? Now, the header is equivalent to your CD changer, the amp is like the amp, and the remote is the MFD. Again, what would you conclude is bad? Hopefully when the dealer said they were replacing the entire stereo, they meant the header AND the amp. Its overkill, but it will get the job done. By the way, they could have checked if the amp was getting any analog signal from the header. If it was, then the header is definitely good. The scantool has a scope function so they should have done this.