Kind of disappointing how these conversations always turn to vegetarian bashing.... I'd expect that from a lot of car enthusiast sites, but it disappoints me here.... As for leather, I installed the Bartlett kit myself because the factory cloth was looking real shitty after 3 years (never ate or drank in my car.... it just looked worn). I felt validated by my decision to go for leather ever since my 16 month old son decided to puke in the back, and since then, has taken to throwing his sippy cup onto the backseat, and splashing milk everywhere.... If you have kids, leather is the way to go...
Leather looks better. Leather is more comfortable. Leather is more durable. Leather is more luxurious. Leather helps the resale value. Considering leather is a byproduct of animal processing, activist objections over leather are really silly.
I have leather in my current car, and am ordering my Prius with it also. +1 to most of the leather comments... I really like the low friction aspect; simply easier to get in or out, and get comfortable without feeling 'stuck' to the cloth.
Yeah, and I always wondered what farm they breed these "two-tone" cows on-like the black with orange leather we just did on a Charger today. That was probably one pretty cow!