I upgraded my iTouch to V3.0 and now it has 'bluetooth' under "Settings", "Bluetooth ON" and it sits there "Searching." I can not find a 'code' to set for the iTouch. I tried to "learn" the iTouch with my 2010, Prius III, and it asks for a name and says, "Set your cell phone code to 3405." That is not an option on my iTouch settings panel. So the Prius never finds it. I have a security code on my iTouch and as an experiment, I changed it to 3405 ... still no luck. Suggestions? Bob Wilson
I assume it works like the iphone. You set the registration process going on the car while the ipod is is doing its bluetooth search. The ipod touch should the find the car as a device called handsfree or car multimedia. You are then supposed to tap on the found device, which should take you to a screen where you can enter the number, and then press the "connect" button. The car and the ipod should then connect after a few seconds. You should probably power the car off and on at that point, just to make sure it "takes".
I tried to connect to my wife's MacBook and though they seem to 'detect' each other, they are not "connecting." This could be a latent defect in V3.0 and an iTouch. Bob Wilson
The MacBook and Touch not connecting is not a defect - there are no services that the phone can use with the MacBook, so the Bluetooth connection is made and then terminated. There is a video that walks you through how to pair a phone with the car for Bluetooth. Just follow those directions to complete the pairing sequence. That is where that code will come in.
I followed the instructions in the Owner's manual as well as the voice prompts from the 2010. Does the video show connecting an iTouch to a 2010 Prius? Do you have a URL to the video? In the meanwhile, I found a Griffin adapter at Best Buy to test. If it stops the playback when I turn off the 2010, the problem is solved. I'll let folks know. SUCCESS The Griffin "AutoPilot" works perfectly: Key characteristics: single iTouch connector - no need to use the audio jack so connecting the iTouch is much simpler. Provides power - the iTouch runs off of the auxilary power Shuts down on "OFF" - turning off the Prius causes the iTouch to stop playing the podcast at that point I will open trouble tickets with both Toyota and Apple about not getting the Bluetooth working. However, the Griffin "AutoPilot" solves the problem very nicely although at $51, it was a little more than I would prefer to spend. LATE COMMENT The 12 VDC adapter gets pretty warm suggesting they are using a linear regulator and current limiting resistor instead of a switching, step-down converter. I don't like my electronics to run 'hot' but won't know for awhile if it is a big deal. If it is still working in 5 years, I'm happy. If it fails before then, I'm not. Bob Wilson
Just checking: the bluetooth feature only works with the second generation iPod Touch. I assume that's what you have?
Correct: Version: 3.0 (7A341) Model: MB533LL I now have a Sony Ericsson phone with bluetooth that works perfectly as a cell phone with the 2010 Prius. My next experiment will be load music and podcasts on the Ericsson and see if they play. Bob Wilson
Are you trying to connect it under 'Phone' or 'Audio'? I assume since you're trying to connect an iPod Touch, you'll have to go under the audio settings to do it. Its two separate connections. Even with my iPhone, I had to connect it twice to enable the phone and BT streaming. I hope that helps.
Good point. Bob definitely needs to be setting his ipod touch up under the audio settings. It will continue to treat his sony phone as the connected phone. And oh by the way, you can't switch between bluetooth audio devices while driving. Yet another thing we can blame on Toyota's lawyers!
I've been able to put media content on the Sony Ericsson but no luck getting the audio to play over the Prius III Bluetooth. I'll look again to see if there is someway to get that connection to work. I did verify the Sony and iTouch Bluetooth ignore each other. It is beginning to look like the iTouch Bluetooth standard is not really in sync with our Prius. Bob Wilson
There is no such thing as an "iTouch". Apple calls it the "Ipod Touch" or the "Touch". Calling it the iTouch assumes you mean Ipod Touch. Yet the iPhone is not called the Ipod Phone or the iMac an Ipod Mac.
This may be completely wrong, but when I tried to pair my Blackjack 2 phone with the car, it wouldn't work. Everything was correct, but no go. I noticed the default name of the device on the Prius screen was something like "multimedia....". I didn't write it down. But as long as that name was there, no go. Then, just cause I debug sometimes, I changed the name to "bobphone". The pairing worked immediately. This could be pure coincidence, but maybe the device name can affect pairing. I find that hard to believe, but that is what happpened to me. I didn't have the time or interest in experimenting further.
I am also having a problem pairing my ipod touch to my prius. I tried to pair under Audio and my itouch found the handsfree multimedia, but that was for my cell phone. Unless...I try to pair it that way and then maybe the grayed out "portable player" on my Prius will be enabled.