I ordered a car with deposit back in April or May. Nothing close to it has come in. Another Dealer within 15 miles has the exact car I want. Half tempted to get car from other dealer but feel like I am being unfair to the salesman that has worked with me for the past year. Comments
I faced a similar problem ... wait up to 2-? months or go get the one I wanted ... I talked to my salesperson and I apologized and he said he'd do the same thing and go get it from the other place. I say go for it!
It happens. As much as salespeople hate when it happens, the knowledgable ones understand that it has nothing to do with them, but the distribution system Toyota has in place. Call the dealer you have been working with, and see if they can dealer trade it. If not, let the first guy know as soon as possible.
I worked at a Nissan Dealership for a few months, and if they had a car that someone wanted we were able to trade them for a similar one because all the cars come from the same warehouse. You should ask them about that.
Dealer told me just yesterday that he could do a "dealer swap" to get the exact Prius I want. It's not like when the 04's first came out. There's plenty unsold ones on the boats coming in. Tell your dealer to do a "dealer swap" to get what you want or you'll find somebody else that will.
Purchased the car from a different dealer. Turns out at the new dealer I was friends with the sales managers father. I switched dealers because mine could not trade and it could be late fall before he got the car I wanted. IV with solar roof in blizzard with bisque interior. Drove it home tonight. Got 3.9 at Pentagon Federal Credit Union.
that's my car! i mean the same as my car. How does the bisque look with the rest of the interior and the blz prl?
I'm sufferring the same situation right now. Sunday I was told delivery (of my order placed 5/18) would be postponed until 7/10; yesterday afternoon they said the car would be delivered last night(they did get a delivery of two Prius last night- but not mine); they 'expect' another delivery this morning. Meanwhile, 85 miles away in Maryland they have the Prius I want- but it may have sold last night. I will stick with the local dealer till noon today, then maybe make an 85 mile trip (if the Maryland car is still available).
This is a crazy system. Sounds like you got a car most on here are looking for and it was just sitting there. My dealer can make trades but for some reason it is seldom with the dealers close by. You'd think they would all get along. I'm guessing they feel if the purchaser is close by that they have probably noticed they have the car the purcher wants and they will buy from them when their dealer cannot supply the car. Makes sense as it is what you did. Whereas if the car was 100 miles away at another dealer then by swaping they really are not hurting their local sales or losing a deal.
The cars from the Andromeda Leader should be arriving at the dealerships tomorrow or Friday. Then about 5 days later cars from the Overseas Joyce, and another 5 days after that the New Century 1, which has my car. I would think many of them will end up in Maryland. I was able to secure an allocation for a Blizzard White Prius V w/ Nav in a reasonable time.
It is a shame the two dealers couldn't work out a swap, but I'm glad you went to the first one to explain the situation and offer them a chance. You don't need to share any of the info about the dealers, but I'm curious who you bought from. PM if you don't want to make it public.
It really looks nice. However depending on the light my wife insists that some of the parts if not the entire inside is misty grey With the sunroof open and the bisque interior you have a really nice bright space.
Dealers can swap with other dealers from far away with no hassle if the 2 cars to be swapped are on the same ship(which the dealers know what cars are on what ship). They just swap cars while still on the ship and the car you want gets new paperwork and gets trucked right to your dealer from the ship.