Pocket PC Trackin Program

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by dadsbeads, May 16, 2005.

  1. dadsbeads

    dadsbeads New Member

    May 2, 2005
    Hi all,

    I have a program for my PocetPC that I used minimally over the years,
    but it doesn't do the additional stuff I want for the Prius. I've
    contacted the developer of the program and he has agreed to create a
    modification that will be specific to the Prius. You can get a copy of
    the original program at handango. Search for pocketfleet. It's called
    Auto 3-1. So here's your chance to help build an application for
    tracking Prius information.

    I'm looking for suggestions to the program that I can pass on to Don.
    If you have suggestions, a unique spreadsheet, or any other things you
    think will help, send it to me and I'll pass it along. I've sent him
    the spreadsheet I got from one of the sites mentioned in one of the
    Yahoo groups. Send suggestions directly to me at gwalters @
    rblimports . com (remove the spaces)

  2. VisualMonster

    VisualMonster New Member

    Apr 30, 2005
    San Diego
    Do you have your Prius's GPS connected to your Pocket PC? If so, how is it connected? Bluetooth, cable, etc? Maybe you're using a seperate GPS unit for the PPC?

    Features I'd like to see are average speed, max speed, distance traveled (with a reset), max altitude, min altitude... some of these the Prius may already be tracking... but I don't have my Prius yet so I don't know for sure.

    I currently have a bluetooth GPS unit for my Pocket PC... but most of the GPS apps I've tried are missing many of the features above.
  3. dadsbeads

    dadsbeads New Member

    May 2, 2005
    No, I'm not connected to the NAV system. This is a seperate program for a PocketPC you can enter information into. Many people keep the information in a spreadsheet, and this is just an extension of that.
  4. pjm877

    pjm877 Member

    Dec 2, 2003
    austin, tx
    2021 Prius Prime
    what are you having changed in the Auto 3-1.

    I keep (write on the rcpt) Temp, time, MPG Gauge reading, trip a (miles driven on this tank) and the ODO for a check for the trip). rcpt. has Price Per Gal, Gal bought. time of sale, total cost.... etc

    Now to find something to put in all this data in.. not much of a spreadsheet person.. more of a Database person. and produce graphs..

    Guess I should do a DB2 or SQL something.. and no not going near Dbase pgms...

    Now if somebody provided a blank spreadsheet and direction on its use... I might go that route.

    I have a I-Paq and a Sharp ARM pda just waiting to do something like this..

    Keep us in the loop. Thanks
  5. dadsbeads

    dadsbeads New Member

    May 2, 2005
    So far what I have is a spreadsheet that I got from this site:


    I've asked for information like this to be included in the application:

    What the odometer reading is, what the display says the MPG and miles was, the amount of gas they pumped into the tank, how much it cost, (keep the brand, city and state where it was bought), the calculated MPG based on how much gas was put in, what the odometer difference is from this time and last time, what the difference between the reported and calculated is, annual averages, and graphs showing information visually.

    Most of this is already in Auto 3-1. It will also track multiple vehicles. What is being added is the Prius specific data collection.

    I'll ask Don to add keeping track of the cost per mile.
  6. cowboyonthemoon

    cowboyonthemoon New Member

    Feb 21, 2005
    Kutztown, PA
    Just so you know, there is software available for Pocket PC and Smartphone produced by Two Peaks called Personal Vehicle Manager. It has you input amount of gas purchased, cost per gallon and odometer reading and then calculates avg fuel economy (lifetime mpg), tank mpg, total distance travelled, fuel consumed, total expenditure, rate of fuel consumption (gal per 100 mi) and cost of ownership ($ per 100 mi). It can do this over whole history of car or selected range of dates.

    Sure these are simple calculations you can do but it is nice to have this record in such a portable platform. I input this to my phone at the pump, don't need to save receipts.

    This software suits my needs, are you looking for a broader range of data entry or do you want the flexibility of spreadsheet entry? I'd be interested in finding out more...
  7. dadsbeads

    dadsbeads New Member

    May 2, 2005
    Auto 3-1 does what your program does, and includes some graphed information. What I'm looking for are the unique things to the Prius, and any additional things people might like to see.

    For example, Auto 3-1 and probably your program, does not allow inputting the displayed miles and MPG the car says it did. I'm asking Don to include this in the new program and show comparisons from the fillup calculations and what the car says. Also to chart these.

    I've only had my Prius since March 31, so don't know all of the things that would be nice to track. That's why I'm asking for information. Adding it into the program now will be much easier than later.
  8. pjm877

    pjm877 Member

    Dec 2, 2003
    austin, tx
    2021 Prius Prime
    That data is fine, but I want MPG as displayed from the MFD, Temp at time of fill up (that darn blader) cost per gal... etc...

    I got a PocketPC DB program but could not get it to work the way I thought Databases should. Just could have been me.

    Waiting to see if Auto 3-1 meets my wants.

  9. dadsbeads

    dadsbeads New Member

    May 2, 2005
    I've already asked for the MPG from the MFD to be added to the program. Then some charting and comparisons with what is computed from the fillup data. I'll ask that temperature be added at time of fillup. That can be additional information on the fillup data entry screen.

    What would you want to do with the temperature information? Just capture it, or do you want some calculated data?