Does anyone else’s family play this silly game? When I was a kid, we played the “Slug Bug†game, where each time my brothers and I saw a VW Beetle, we would rush to be the first to slug each other, and yell “Slug Bugâ€! Well, fast forward to 2009, now I am a father, with three daughters. Each and every time that we see another Prius, they try to see who can yell “Prius Punchâ€, and then deck each other. I used to believe that boys were rougher, as I grew up with 3 brothers, and no sisters, but let me tell you, these girls are rough! So, anyone else willing to admit they play this stupid game? I will sheepishly admit that I have even rapped my knuckles against my own leg from time to time when I see a Prius.
I played that game growing up. It is interesting how the times change and am glad to see it lives on with another generation .
LOL, I thought this was going to be about drinking the Prius Punch (as in kool-aid). My kids to my dissatisfaction played "slug bug". I'm guessing if it catches on my grandkids will be playing the Prius Punch game as well. Thanks for pulling that memory being dug out of my archives and letting me think about my kids when they were small.
It would be hard to reach the driver of the smart car though, wouldn't it? I'm only kidding Smart owners. Only kidding. Please, no flaming.
I play punch buggy with friends all the time. We have arguments about only counting classic beetles vs. the new ones as well. Priuses are almost as common as Beetles in Atlanta.. so I suppose the priapunch could work too!
I have to laugh. Since we ordered our Prius it seems like they've multiplied. We started counting how many we see when we run errands - they're everywhere. It brought back memories of the buggy game. Now my husband wonders if we want a Prius because they're so common! (he'd better be kidding!) We haven't seen a '10 yet, so maybe there's hope for ours being a standout in the crowd.
The fact that Prius are popping up everywhere is not a coincidence, and not just because EVERYONE WANTS one.... It is called 'Reticular Activation', and it is a 'flagging' system in your brain, which allows you filter out most of the stimulus that is fed to your brain from your 5 senses. Once your brain 'sees' (or smells, hears, feels tastes, etc.) a stimulus that it familiar to it, it will 'see' it faster and identify it. For example. Before the purchase of my Prius, my wife said that she never sees them on the road, but as you have also stated, now there are 'everywhere'. In reality, your are more aware, and therefore see it everywhere. This also allows wine experts (winebuff?) to be able to taste 300 distinct flavors in a bottle of wine, where most of us will maybe identify if it is '"Oaky' or has 'cherry flavors', etc.
If we included all 3 generations, we'd be quite sore. Have yet to see another Gen III in the wild other than my Dad's when he drove it out last weekend. Plenty of Gen II's in my area (especially in any of the AZ Sun City retirement communities). Some even notice the Gen III, drop sunglasses to look, point, etc. Others are oblivious. If I wasn't concerned about my kids beating each other up on a long road trip, I'd encourage such a game
In 2004 and 2005, I used to do a shot of whiskey for every Prius I saw. A couple years ago I had to stop because I would end up getting hammered before I made it to work. (YES, I'm kidding!)