- Welcome to AOL A new study compares great white sharks to serial killers, saying the creatures hunt down specific victims, staying focused and learning from previous attacks. "There's some strategy going on," said Neil Hammerschlag, a co-author of the study and a shark researcher at the University of Miami. They attacked when the lights were low. They liked their victims young and alone Great Whites Hunt Like Serial Killers
All carnivores are serial killers. Big deal. You're still safer with a shark than with a coke machine.
I saw the movie but you can stick your arm in a coke machine and the odds are you'll get it back out. T The odds of getting your arm back out of a shark, not so good.
Nope, I was indeed talking about people being killed by coke machines falling on them. More people are killed that way than are killed by sharks. Of course, the drink will kill you too, but a lot more slowly.
Who the hell sticks their arm in a shark's mouth??? Lying down in front of a steam roller will kill you too, but neither sharks nor steam rollers come looking for people to kill. You might as well say that it's dangerous to attend a music concert because pianos are dangerous because if one falls on you from a 17th-story window it will kill you.
I think Dave saw Jaws when he was much too young and impressionable. Good thing it wasn't Psycho or else he would never take a shower.
Melborne Fl Shark attack being announced on Bay News 9 as I sit here!!! Mention of more people in the water in the heat...shark this case one of the few not covered up by Mayor Vaughn. Do I see Spokane by the ocean? We aren't talking land shark attacks here This is where the sharks are I tried to post where I live but all you see is water. Shark infested water
You don't even have to have a pulse to be a serial killer: And don't get me started on our great great great great great great uncle amoeba: So ... you don't even have to be multi-cell'ed to go Richard Ramerez.
Spokane is not on the ocean, but there's a lake at Liberty Lake and another at Coeur d'Alene, so I guess I know as much about sharks as the next guy, and more than some, because I watched Shark Water.
Do you suppose that a large percentage of the plastic in the [ame=""]Great Pacific Garbage Patch[/ame] is made from AOL Trial CDs and 3.5" Floppy discs?
There was a girl on a chat board I used to frequent. She was very popular on the board, and very poor. She could not afford internet connection. People would always send her their AOL trial CDs and with them she managed to always have internet access.
I hated AOL with a passion. Back in the days when I had to support computers, people would install those free trial disks and royally screw their computers. Removing all traces of AOL was like doing an exorcism. I'm glad those days are over. Tom