Hello all. I don't currently own a Prius but with the "cash for clunkers" program the Senate passed Thursday and President Obama is expected to sign, I can get rid of my 17mpg SUV and receive $4,500 towards a car as long as it gets 22mpg or more (which the Prius obviously does). My question is basically that I like the package with 17" wheels and the only reason I have never liked the Prius is because I felt the wheels were too small for the car. With the 17" wheels I feel it looks more balanced. However, only 1 package has the 17" wheels and I was wondering if the other packages that have the 15" wheels could fit 17" wheels or not? If package IV would fit 17" wheels that is what I would prefer with solar and the car would not look unbalanced in my opinion. The solar, 17" wheels, and HID's are what I am most interested in having on a Prius (but I can add HID's like I have with my current SUV so that isn't a problem). And I would also save some money by getting package Thanks for any help!
Short answer is yes- but you'll probably have to eat the cost of the 15" wheels and tires. Some dealers have been putting larger wheels on the base model but that seems pretty sporadic, and those that do are charging a lot as well. I'm probably going to do the same thing eventually- nobody has taken the plunge yet as far as I know but there are plenty of choices out there aftermarket that should not have any issues. The option packages for the 2010 Prius left a lot to be desired. Too much thought on maximizing profit and not customer satisfaction.
I am still on my first car that I ever had and have put up to 130k miles on it and it's a 2000 model. The trade in is valued a little over $2,000. I am only 21 so this will be my first new car purchase and $4,500 off would be great for me yeah lol Thanks for your answer accordingly, I may end up going with the IV and just buy new wheels & tires if it saves me money to do so.
A few months back I donated to PBS a '92 Pontiac Grand Prix that had been in my garage for 4 years without use. The trade in value was $500, it sold at auction for $700. It would have been a perfect car for the program even though it was never used any more. Now it is somewhere polluting and I could have saved $4500 on my '10 Prius purchase. Another federal program I am missing out is the $8000 tax credit on a home because my income exceeds the max limit. It is just not fair. BTW, aren't all SUVs a POS?
Try a site like Tire Rack - Your performance experts for tires and wheels and enter the 2010 Prius. You will get a list of available wheels and tires. You can select 17 inch wheels and go from there. You might also consider the 16 inch wheel option as an alternative to going the full 17 inches.
Welcome to the Obama Class of Rich Americans (who now have to drive a Prius) Not sure the 92 Grand Prix would have made it. I checked on a 95 Regal my son-in-law has and it gets too high FE to qualify.
Before you pull the plug on the wheels, I would look through the other threads here, as it is not as simple as just swapping the wheels and tires. There are some other adjustments which must be made which will reduce the angle at which these wheels go turn to turn, etc. Otherwise, they could rub, and cause all sorts of other issues.