$1.65 at Costco in Turlock, Ca on my way to work in San Jose. I haven't paid this little for gas in 4 years. Anyone want to buy a 2 month old 2009 touring #6 :Cry::Cry::Cry::Cry::Cry:
Why on earth would you want to sell it? My fuel costs are something like 3 cents per mile at these prices. In the grand scheme of things it's nearly free. Even at $1.62/gal that wouldn't be the case if I were driving some FSP.
Why are you wanting to sell it, unless you are one of 'those' who only bought the car for low fuel usage, and not another better reason...
Joking. Don't want to sell it. Just wish I'd waited a few months when I could have gotten one at invoice rather than MSRP. The only way I would't have bought a Prius is if I thought gas prices were going to go down and stay down. At current prices I couldn't justify the added expense. But if you throw longer term expectations in along with making a moral/environmental/responsible decision, then it's still a no brainer.
Shows how old this thread is .... Yesterday...$2.99 - 06/20/09 Shell, La Crescenta CA Damn speculation bastards!!!!
Prices have been bouncing weirdly here in New Mexico and vary strangely by stations within a few city blocks of each other...if i gave you a price right this moment it would not be truly valid. The big question to me is what will the 4th of July holiday in the US bring in regards to gasoline pricing? regards Froley
$2.78 here. on the SPM, went 3 weeks and 2 days between fillups... 46 cents per gallon difference in price.
$3.09 9/10 for Regular today, but I still got a 1/4 tank. I'll bet Evan wishes he'd had a couple 50 gallon drums with him, back when he got that $1.99 a few months ago.
Yeah, someone resurrected an old thread! I have seen prices drop a bit around here. I think $2.29 is the lowest I saw it this weekend.
Time to sell any stocks you own. This sort of price is an indication of a potential double dip Great Recession.
One of our local Sam's Club Stations went down to $1.98 several days ago for 100% non-Ethanol gasoline.
My wife and I are getting ready for another driving trip, so you can expect gas prices to rebound shortly. We have that sort of effect on prices. Tom