The tempered side/rear glass will burst into a shower of little pebbles if somebody swings a hammer or truncheon at the glass If you're worried about smash-and-grab there are window films that *might* deter such activity. Some vehicles can be ordered with laminated glass all the way around, not just on the windshield. Factory laminated glass provides better smash-and-grab protection If you live in a VERY bad area, some sort of ballistic protection can be applied. Obviously, you'd need something like a pickup truck or SUV to handle the extra weight The heavier ballistic glass, eg +B5 rated, will for some reason crack fairly easily. I'm guessing due to thermal expansion/contraction
Yes I bought this exact tint from the ebay seller tintpro but it was for a different vehicle and I have been really pleased. The tint is super strong and looks great. The only problem I had was the first time I did the tint I didn't use a lint free cloth to clean the window so it had lots of small bubbles. The seller allowed me to buy the tint again for reduced price and I did the job again. If you do buy this or any other tint MAKE SURE THE WINDOW IS REALLY, REALLY, REALLY CLEAN and absolutely lint free or your tint will have small bubbles in it. The reason I know how strong it is, is because I had to peel off the old stuff and I then tried to tear/mutilate the tint and that stuff is extremely strong!
Just note that it works in reverse. You won't be able to smash your way out of the car if you need to get out.
Yes, you can have a "window tinting" that will make your glass bullet resistant... it is not really tinted, but it is just a thick plastic and at least one of my friends installed it in his Crown Victoria...
Same problem with armored SUV's, cars, etc. Say you happen to roll the vehicle, you are completely trapped and will need help to get out. Some of the better armoured vehicles, especially government and the military ones, have escape hatches and/or levers to jettison a side window
It might meet B1 levels, so would be appropriate for a smash-and-grab style assault. Might keep out a 9mm and 22lr, but what about the door skin?
Actually, any inside tint film will keep the glass relatively captured if shattered. Once the glass is shattered, it may take a bit of extra effort but it's not that difficult to get the mess out of the way with a pry bar. However, from a safety standpoint, if you're inside the car in an accident that shatters one of the tinted glass pieces, it keeps the granules from flying about the car (they're a mess to clean up!).
Laminated glass, eg the windshield, you need a weapon to break. The tempered safety glass on the sides and rear, are relatively easy to break. The following is funny and disturbing at the same time Obscure Burglary Tools of the Day: Ninja Rocks The standard tint films help minimize the mess and ease of breaking a side window. As far as "security" it all depends on what the OP needs. If a specific and directed threat, only a +B5 armoured vehicle will work. If you have *very* bad enemies who will resort to pipe bombs and the like, you had better move to a safer area.