That's a pretty old story line. Surprised the Wash Post would print it. Might as well print the Hummer is greener old tapes while they are at it. I don't take any newspapers anymore, confirms my decision.
Wouldn't get to worries about JAMES CLIVIE GOODWIN. If you Google his name it appears he died 30 Sep 1987. He's dead and buried, which is where the CNW Marketing report should be!
That seems like a really blunt and last minute made up story. It doesn't even go into details about the car at all. Just starts out that it's not green and trash's it from there....seems weird to me.
Yes, I just looked again. Relax, it's just a letter to the editor. Any bozo can write those. Unfortunately, when reading online, it may not be apparent that it's not a bona fide article.
It's a letter to the Editor -- not an article. Newspapers don't usually do much fact-checking for letters... It might be cool to find out if there really is a JAMES CLIVIE GOODWIN and that he did indeed pen this story. If he did, then, well...he's entitled to his opinion. If not, we might be looking at disinformation planted by certain interests in Detroit or those acting on its behalf. Doubtful the latter is the case, but a little bit of paranoia is healthy these days...
Its just more filler, kinda like toilet paper helping fill the bowl so the waste goes down the drain.....
In 1980, when our United Steel Workers Union Environmental Committee (Yes, a UNION Environmental Committe--the first) was pushing solar, wind and other renewable energy sources, we were told at an energy confernece by a Phd energy "Expert" that wind power was still 20 years from commercialization because (I swear it's true he said this) "the engineers [hadn't] figured out how to keep the propeller blades from coming off in high winds." This though we were aware large scale wind generators had been built diuring World War II, not to mention that P51 Mustangs flew at 400 miles an hour and their props didn't come off. The Power Company rep used a different excuse. He claimed that large wind generators "would interfere with TV reception." And these guys were taken seriously!!! Now, they argue that plug in electric vehicles will just cause more pollution--because of course we have to burn coal to generate the electricity!!!! then of course, there are the Global Warming Deny-ers--much like the Holocost Deny-ers. These guys never cease to underestimate the intelligence of the average idiot.... speaking of whom, even the old oil Zillionare T Bone Pickens now wants to build wind farms.... while he sells us natural gas, of course... Go figure...
Let's remember that 20-25% of Americans still believe that Iraq had something to do with 9/11. And, interestingly, its about 20% of Americans that believe the President Obama is Muslim. And, it's probably the same 20% of Americans that are still circulating the CNW report. I often times wish it would be possible to form a country out of the other 80%. They wouldn't always agree on everything and, in fact, would have strong disagreements, but at least they would be thinking clearly and rejecting junk.
Yes, Some uninformed reader ... reading an unresearched article by an (evidently) ignorant writer. Pathetic. And the newprint companies wonder why so many of 'em are going out of business. .
LOL, all you need to do is have California split from the Union. With the financial burdon they've become, we'd probasbly let them go.
I CAN"T READ ANYMORE!!! Why are people so cow-like??!! Someone tells them where to go and they all "moo" and go that way. Not saying that isn't me sometimes but I can say I never quote something unless I've verified it is true. (SIGH) thought journalists and newspapers were supposed to do something similar.