Someone asked for some Blizzard Pearl pics next to Super White ... they didn't turn out the best, so I apologize, but here they are ... Blizzard Pearl solo ....
What flavor of tint did you go with? Looks amazing on the BP. Was thinking 20% on the rear windows with 35% on the fronts(Cali law says no but need something but won't be too dark) and 5% on the sunshade. Thanks for the pics. Can't wait to get mine. Very possible this week!!
Looks like it was trying to be silver but only got so far. Actually I saw the Cadillac version of BP and it was very purdy! More creamy than silvery.
I suppose the Super White is the same as the non-metallic Pure White over here. But that colour isn't available in the US is it? Where did this car come from? By the way Toyota used white cars for the European press presentation in Sweden.
Yep. Super White = Alpine White = Pure White. It's a flat, non-metallic colour. It's no longer available in the US or Canada on the 2010 Prius. The white cars used in Europe for the press are the pearl white cars.
Thank you for the pics. The blizzard pearl is definitely a softer white than the super white, which I really don't like (I call it refrigerator white because it's the type of white used for kitchen appliances). In real life, the blizzard pearl is quite white, too -- not creamy or silvery -- but it looks different depending on the lighting.
I love all the improvements..esp. inside, but don't like the front end on the 2010. Maybe it's the lights or something...too "Matrix-like".
You are right ... these pics don't do the color comparison justice ... the Blizzard looks too dark in the pics.
Well that and one pic seems to have too much saturation and in another, too little. (there's a blue tint!). Yeah I saw a Touring in Blizzard Pearl on Fri. Holy... crap. That paint is blinding under the sun!
In another thread, I posted my BP next to my dad's silver. While BP is metallic with pearl, it's not silver.