I've searched and found some conjecture but have yet to see a solid yes/no answer. So I'm starting yet another iPhone/Pius thread. Yes or no? Does the iPhone 3G with the OS 3.0 software upgrade transfer contacts to the Gen II Prius? Sadly, I'm not at techie as I once was. I poked through the bluetooth settings, contacts, and general settings of my iPhone 3G-3.0 and nothing jumped out at me.
Sadly, the answer is No. Apple did not include OPP in its list of upgraded bluetooth features as there are better ways to accomplish bluetooth transfer of data (ex. P2P). Since our Gen II Prius's will only take contact transfers via OPP, we continue to be (and likely will forever stay) SOL.
Is there any software that will allow the contacts to be transferred, say from an iPhone to a PC/MAC, then to the Prius?