First and foremost, I'm not in a huge rush to get the new Prius. I've definitely decided I want one, but I want to wait until I find the right one and not settle. If I found it tomorrow I'd pull the trigger, but I'm not finding it because... For some reason, I'm completely locked on the Misty Gray Leather. I'm flexible on the exterior color and I'm even flexible on the package (IV or V) but I really want Misty Gray leather. I know the car is new and availability isn't high yet, but it does seem a bit crazy to me that there are NO Misty Gray interiors in the Northwest. The update from my dealer last night: I checked the nationwide inventory just today and there are simply no Misty Gray interiors in the Northwest Region. The way Toyota is set-up the regions have master build-specs, and the 78 dealers in the region draw their allocations from this larger set of specs. For example Toyota does make 2 wheel drive 4Runners, Highlanders and sequoias, they are not a part of the Region's build-spec, so we never see them. Whether the Region is planning on adding this interior to the mix, or already has but this early in the product life it just hasn't shipped here yet are questions I don't have answers to yet. I'm hoping it's the latter (they're coming) but I just find the whole thing a bit strange. I'm certainly seeing a lot of Misty Gray on these boards from other parts of the country!
I'm with you, I 'm waiting for Pearl/Bisque or Winter Gray/Misty. The only colors I have completely ruled out are (just personal tastes) black or gold exterior and dark gray interior. YMMV
A bisque interior is over 50% misty grey. The seats and doors are bisque. Headliner etc is misty grey. It looks mismatched as they are not in the same color spectrum.
I also encountered the same experience looking in Portland area. Both the Misty Gray Leather and Solar Roof packages are hard to come by. I ended up getting the IV NV in Blue Ribbon Metallic/Bisque, the interior was not my first choice but looks nice. Good luck on finding the right one.
In the Seattle area, I ran into this problem when placing an order three weeks ago. The dealer determined that there were no Misty Gray interiors in this region at this time, and on the known allocations. After waiting a couple weeks, it appeared that this would not likely change before Washington's sales tax exemption expired next month. So I switched. As you live in Oregon, you can afford to wait longer to see if this changes.
After switching interior colors a week ago, from Misty to Dark Gray, my P-II arrived today. The Dark Gray is lighter than I would have thought originally, though not as light as I thought I remembered from a sample car before the switch. DW, who originally picked Misty Gray, turned out quite pleased with Dark Gray. The trunk area is much lighter than the seating area, making me guess that it is possibly Misty Gray. It looks nice but appears that dirt and stains will be more visible. The carpeted trunk mat is also lighter than the front mats, but doesn't quite match the car fabric. No pictures yet.
I got the first car in North America and it is misty gray. Not sure why you are having a hrad time. If you email every dealer around you and send it to the internet dept, which I have had great luck with, they will find your car. It is that ez. Trust me, I got the first one
Not that I doubt you buuuuut... It appears your Prius is Blue Ribbon? According to the Blue Ribbon does not come in Misty Gray...only Bisque and Dark Gray. The Misty Gray only comes in Blizzard, Black, Silver, and Winter Gray. Confused...
No it is not. Somewhere in a threat on this forum it was explained that this trunk area colour is different from all other interiour colours.
Was your car originally destined for one of the Priority Program participants? If so, it does not necessarily conform to the subset of features being ordered by the Portland Region. Both dealers competing for my order were unable to find any Misty Gray stock within this region, or in the upcoming allocations. And when I tallied Misty Grays from replies that I could find within this forum, none were in this region. You are the only one I know about so far. Rather than wait and risk losing the WA tax exemption, I switched to Dark Gray. DW, who originally requested the Misty, is happy with the result.
Well, the lack of Misty Gray in the Northwest continues. I just exchanged notes with my dealer (who I really like and has been extremely patient...I have not at all felt like he was "forcing" me into a car I don't want) and he told me: Incidentally I buttonholed a gent by the name of *******, our Regional Rep and asked him about the Misty Gray and he said that the region has no plans to bring it in. They weren't all that keen on it when they saw it - thought it was a little funky and a potential turn off. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" is the attitude. Is that really how this works? The "region" sees a color they don't like and they don't order it? Interesting. I know I want a package IV. My other two priorities were that I wanted a Solar Sunroof and Misty Gray. Here's my options: 1. Keep waiting??? Is it possible "the region" will change it's mind and start bringing in Mistys? Seems like it could be awhile! 2. In that same email the dealer indicated he just had someone cancel a deposit on a Winter Gray IV with Solar and Dark Gray interior. Car comes in on Thursday. That is VERY tempting but I'm a little concerned with all the darkness...Winter Gray with Dark Gray. May feel a bit...blah... Doesn't help I haven't yet seen a Winter Gray in person yet. I can see myself giving into Dark Gray on a Silver or Blizzard...but not sure about Winter. Otherwise, that's the car I want! 3. I randomly dropped a note to another dealer and got the "give us a $1,000 deposit and we'll get your car in 60 days" email. One thing I like about my dealer is that they won't take your $$$ until they know they have the car. I hate the other approach. Plus, if the entire NW isn't getting Misty, why does this guy think he can?!?!? times...
As you can see by my posts in other threads, I had a difficult time with the fact that you can't custom order a car the EXACT way you like it. Instead, you have to play the allocation game. I'm over it now knowing that my dealer just received the VIN on the EXACT car I wanted and it should be headed to the US soon. Now, back to your questions..... I would contact dealers outside of your region to see if there are any available with the misty gray interior. Aside from that, I don't know what else to tell you. Scott