Maybe someone has already noted this, but! I'm one who tries to read the manual, and have just brought home my new 2010, got the manual and a glass of wine (in my living room), found that it has 608 pages! Went out for more wine, stilll reading.
So did you expect Harmony between Man, Nature and Machine to be a short story? LOL! I actually enjoy reading owners manuals. 608 pages just sounds like more "fun". I know this is strange. It's not too suprising though. The Prius is Hybrid with usually more gadjets and gizmos. Plus Toyota has to try and cover everything in the manual. I hear you also get a DVD that includes many of the operational videos? It's all part of the new owner experience! Enjoy.
Yep--and then there's the nav owners manual, maintenance book, warranty book, etc. Took me a while to get through them all.
I forgot to mention, the way the manual is laid out, every time you see a shock warning, you're supposed to do a shot. It's a user's manual AND a drinking game.
yah, I read the manual. And I watched the DVD. What was really weird is on the DVD it said there were 3 ways to view it, one including putting it into a "dvd capable navigation system" well ours uses dvd.. but it definitely doesn't play it. I wonder why they even put that on there. Anyways, it was a neat video. I think they should have it looping on the showroom floor next to a Prius.
Which is better with a manual - red or white? I was looking forward to sitting on the beach with the War and Peace of auto manuals but it won't stop raining!
I tried to read through the manual last night but after 2 pages into it i fell asleep... ok ok i think i was just really tired. I am going to try to attack it today for sure!
That's a full 100 pages longer than the 2009 manual! When my salesman handed it to me, I turned it over hoping half of it was in Spanish -wrong!!!
I have to be very impressed by Dave, the Blind Guy. He had all the pages in the manual scanned so his synthesized speech software could convert it and read it to him. He's raised some good questions and highlighted several things that a newbie owner (like myself one of these days) might miss. I hope that his system has a good voice to listen to. Some narrators on educational type programs can knock me out faster than a sleeping pill. I think I'll go out and stock up on wine while I wait for my Pri to arrive! It sounds like I'm going to need it. I'll get white wine as I want a BP and red wine because the manual sounds "meaty"!
Amber. As in Anheuser-Busch Amber Bock. That six pack sure made for more enjoyable reading. Not driving...
Between the Navigation Manual and the Owner's Manual, I could hardly lift it. It was heavy as a barbell. It felt like a 10 pounder to me. How heavy will my head be if I read all that? I found out several things. Toyota does not want owners changing their own oil. They don't want us programming our key fobs or the amount of beeps we get in R. I don't need to be told more than once the car is in reverse. Who makes these decisions? I can hear them talking now. "Lets error on the side of beeping all the time it is in reverse. They might forget the car is in reverse and step on the gas. So we'll just keep telling them over and over and over the car is in reverse." All I need is one beep. It doesn't beep when we put it in D and I learned that B just down shifts one gear to slow the car. Now why would they want to do that pray tell? I guess if we are going down a steep hill that would be good to have. Thank goodness for Owners Manuals. Just lifting them is an exercise in and of itself. Dan