my old iphone 3g worked great with my 07 prius bluetooth but..the new 3gs iphone won't sync... it keeps searching for divice...then nothing... any suggestions/tips??? thx...
Not sure what to say exactly, we have two Priuses and two 3gs iPhones, both phones paired with both cars, no problem. Did you go to "add a phone" or whatever it's called on the Prius before you started looking for a device on the iPhone? Zhe Wiz
mine worked like a charm too. no problems at all. make sure you click on the word "handsfree" when in bluetooth settings of you 3gs. that's what i forgot to do initially & i just kept waiting for it.
I have a 3G with 3.0 software but when I select Bluetooth on it just starts searching, where is the "handsfree" setting?
You have to also start the registration/pairing process on the car. The bluetooth search process running on the phone will then find a device called hands free. When you tap on the hands free item, it will take you to a number entry screen, where you enter the number required by the car (usually seems to be 1212 or 1111). The phone and car will then pair up.
I am having the exact same problem... my wife's iPhone 3G works with my 2008 Prius' bluetooth, but my new iPhone 3GS does not detect the Prius. Does anyone have a solution for this? Is there a way to update the Prius' bluetooth firmware? Thanks for any advice.
I have the same pairing problem with my new 3GS phone. My old Gen 1 phone worked just fine. I am following all the instructions ... go to the "register phone" screen on Prius and trying to tap "handsfree" with it comes up. The problem is that my phone *never* gives me an opportunity to type the key code, no keyboard shows up. I have tried doing it over and over again. The net result is that it fails to pair because it doesn't have the right code because I don't have any way of entering the code. Does someone know a trick? Or do I definitely have a defective phone. I've even tried resetting the network settings on the phone... still nothing. It seems like a software problem to me.
If I were troubleshooting, I would: 1. Make sure the prior phone had been deleted from the car. 2. Make sure any prior pairing on the phone was deleted. 3. Power the car down, then on again. 4. Turn the phone completely off, and then on again (i.e., reboot it). 5. Start the register a new phone process on the car. 6. Go the the bluetooth screen of the phone and wait for handsfree to be found. 7. Once found, tap on the found handsfree device on the phone. 8. If God likes you, the phone should then pull up the number keypad, and you enter the number and press the connect button on the phone (top right corner). 9. After the car confirms the connection, power the car off and on again, to make sure the pairing sticks. Good luck!
I have a 2g and upgrades it to 3.0 and it sometimes finds itself and sometimes it doesn't. Am thinking of taking the phone back to v2.2 or 2.2.1
I think I've got a "breakthrough" here. I wasn't able to pair for ages. And then today, decided to enter something in the "device name" field on the Prius registeration screen. Once I did not and not leave it empty, my 3GS iPhone was able to pair. The "device name" that you enter will show up in Bluetooth discovery and if you tap on that, the keypad shows up.... unlike previously it was never showing up for you to enter the code. I hope this helps others.