I am wanting to goof off with one of my kids powerwheels cars at home. I need a battery with a long run time though. The standard 12v 12AH Power Wheels battery is complete crap. Can anyone tell me if the Prius battery is a "sealed lead acid"? Also, what are the AH rating of it? The battery I a looking at has the numbers S46b24r and GS on the side.
A google search and translate link of the original japanese, says "36Ah" and "known as the sealed type". Google Translate
The U1 size SLA often used for motorized wheelchairs can be found for good price because of economies of scale. However if you want to disable the Prius and ride the powerwheels instead, OK then.
Hey, it would be pure electric! Not sure you could achieve 250 Wh/mile in it with those tiny plastic wheels, though. . My own discovery for the non-smartkey-enabled size of 12V was that it's a fairly ordinary wet cell unit, and I belive the larger ones are too. You'll note there that I replaced it with a Yellowtop, which is its own type of AGM. Recently I dusted off the old battery and topped it up with distilled water, and have been fooling around with it and a small AC inverter -- it actually seems to still have a lot of its capacity left, so it's now part of a portable "run some CF lamps anywhere" unit that's going to an outdoor event next weekend. For a unit that was new in '04, that's not too shabby. . Anyone looked at what they're putting into the 2010s yet?? . _H*