So I have a new Palm Pre and a 2005...I am trying to see if there is any way to stream the Pandora Raido App via BT to the cars audio system. Any suggestion other then using something like the Motorola t505.
A2DP Bluetooth function is needed to stream stereo. Only 2010 and beyond support A2DP. You probably already know this since you are already looking at aftermarket products. Parrot makes good ones: Bluetooth Hands Free Car Kits - Parrot USA
Hi I also have a 2005 prius and was thinking about buying a palm pre. Was it hard to pair the pre to the prius? It was difficult to pair my current phone (treo 650) and there is only limited functionality. Any info would be appreciated. Thank you
If it helps, I've got an HTC Touch (purchased in 08) that I've paired to my 2005. It was really just as simple as pairing a normal headset or any other device, with no drama involved. I can't imagine the Pre should be much different. As to functionality... LRoss, what functionality is not working? The phone book transfer stuff, or what? I've not been able to transfer my phone book over, but then I've also not really fiddled with it. If I need to dial a number, I just look up the contact on the phone. My only complaint is the touch screen only seems to show the incoming number maybe 1/3 of the time. Otherwise, from the perspective of making calls, it's not failed to answer or make a call yet.