I just picked up my new 2010 V with adv package Was trying to enter my phone contacts via the nav screen. Every time I added one the nave screen would reboot? Then I did about 7-8 of them.. then the whole nave disc had to load again When it came back on.. what I entered was gone Anyone else experince this.. I wonder if I have a bad unit.. or there is a bug in the software? Going to stop at the dealer this week.. Scott
Something's wrong. I had to manually add a bunch of contacts (my RAZR V3x wouldn't transfer them ) and there were no issues.
Yeah.. something is definitly wrong.. showed it to one of the sales guys.. and this is the first (of only 3 with nav) that he heard of having this problem. Bringing it into the dealer next week to have them look at it. Will advise...
Well.. got it back from the dealer.. they could not find any problem.. it might be my cell phone.. Anyone else use a motorala phone with a package with navagation? If not.. anyone want to meet up so I can try my phone on your car to see if it is infact my phone?