Apparently, Daniel is also having a birthday today. Hopefully he's not feeling too curmudgeonly to accept some good wishes. Happy Birthday, Daniel!!
Another year older? Oh well, I suppose it's better than the alternative. Best wishes, Daniel. Really.
Thanks all. Birthdays are not good days for me. I generally try to be somewhere else, but this year my mid-June travel plans fell through. I visited a friend, ate lunch by myself in my favorite local restaurant, stopped at the bakery for some fattening stuff. I'll probably watch a movie at home alone. I considered calling an escort service (I never have before) but eventually thought better of it. A few more hours and it will be bed time, and I'll have gotten through the day.
My daughter invited 20 people to help her celebrate her birthday tonight. Three of them said they'd come. All three cancelled out on her today. Jerks! Bummer for you both. So I guess, Daniel, in some ways, you're not really alone.
Hey Daniel, I have been a little preoccupied so I'll grab this chance to say happy birthday mate and may there be a stack more to come. A great year has just passed and a better one is likely to follow. Enjoy the year my friend.
I tried being somewhere else once but I kept following myself around so in the end I just gave up and figured that where ever I was that's where I'd be. This is why I rarely build these things up. I had a string of birthdays like that when I was a kid. Wish her well for me put a bow on a pint of ice cream.
I seldom drive the Prius any more. The Xebra relegated it to trips to Canada and Coeur d'Alene, and now the electric Porsche has relegated it to trips to Canada. I generally get around 50 mph on long road trips. I don't drive slow. Driving is tiring, and making a 6-hour drive into a 7-hour drive just to get better mpg for bragging rights, does not appeal to me. The Prius is just so yesterday!
Happy belated birthday Daniel. I enjoy your posts. It's a joy to be able to share similarities and differences in posts with someone and still retain respect for each other. Hope your birthday was memorable.
Thanks all. The day was pretty ordinary except that the calendar said it was supposed to be something special.
Daniel, my birthday was back in August, no gift from my wife, no mention from my son. Your situation is not that different to mine except on paper I'm married. Here is hoping the FSM finds it in his heart to bring you together with a person with whom you find comfort and happiness. Get into a local walking club and never knock back an invitation to a coffee or a chat, it all builds confidence and you never know what you might be turning down. I'm not talking about sex, but a good life long friend might be the last person you turned down an invitation from.