This am started car and noticed blank screens on MFD and radio. Digital clock ok. This condition has persisted through several trips today. This is non-NAV MFD. Have 20+k mi. Planning on visit to dealer tomorrow. What do I need to know?
If the problem is intermittent, I suggest that you take photos of the MFD to document the problem as it occurs. Otherwise it is possible that the MFD won't act up when the car is at the dealer, the mechanic will report "no trouble found", you'll be charged for an hour of labor time and nothing will be done to resolve the problem.
Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately(?) the condition appears to be completely and totally and in all other ways constant, ie all blank, all the time. Driving the Prius without most of the usual feedback to which I am accustomed is a little unsettling.
Since you have an 08 that should still be under warranty, I suspect that a new MFD will be installed at no cost to you. Hopefully you have not added any mods which could cause a failure.
rojaygator, I know it's a little late in the game to ask you this (I just now saw your post), but is it possible [with such a new car (unless the soldering was bad like on the '04's)] that you simply bumped something & turned off your screen? On my 2005 (without the Nav) to turn it back on you just press the "Info" hard key to the right of the screen & then touch the "Trip Info" box on the screen & everything comes alive again. I have noticed that even with the screen shut off, if you press either the "Climate" or "Audio" hard keys to the left of the MFD screen that the screen temporarily comes alive long enough for you to select heat,defrost, or A/C, a fan speed, & whether the blower air comes out on face or feet, or to select your favorite radio station (then the screen fades to black again). Let us know what the diagnosis was & the outcome & cost [shouldn't cost you anything (under warranty, right?) unless you just turned the screen off (& they charged you to find that out & to turn it back on again), but shame on them if they do charge you for that 10 second fix]. Ken (in Bolton,Ct)
Went to the dealer Friday noonish for 20K service and MFD malfunction. Unfortunately was not a fuse. Approx 1:15 I was told that, and that the car would be passed up the line to a higher order diagnostician, who would need 1-2 hours to evaluate the problem. By 3:30 the verdict was in: MFD failure. Solution: order refurb MFD from specialty shop in California as replacement. Will arrive in 2-3 weeks, presumably by slow boat via Panama Canal. Orig. MFD will be removed and sent to Calif to be refurbished and...(you guessed it!) recycled into another Prius. No charge for any of this, all under warranty. Cost is mainly the time and aggravation involved. Oh, will need a half-day appt to perform the transplant operation as there is " a lot of dash work involved." There you are.
Update: The Saga is Getting Started it Appears The replacement MFD arrived much sooner than I was told. On Friday, June 12 the transplant surgery was performed, seemingly without a hitch. Blood loss was minimal. All seemed well going home. Saturday am was a different story. The Audio and Climate switches do nothing. At least I have the rear video cam and the mpg modes functional. Will be back at the dealer on Friday for a looksee. Perhaps I will book a standing appointment for every Friday.
OK. Car back to dealer for evaluation. Left side (audio/climate) controls not working since MFD replaced on last visit. Diagnosis: MFD not passing diagnostic testing and appears to be bad. Opened case with techline. Svc rep said no one at the dealer service dept tested the refurb MFD prior to installation in my car, an oversight he deeply regrets. Also said he has never before seen one of these refurb MFDs not be flawless. He assures me that the next unit will be thoroughly tested before install and expects that it will be perfect. Apologized profusely for the added inconvenience. Sighhh.
Interesting, thanks. I am just surprised that a brand new refurb passed the test at the refurb place, as I hope they test them thoroughly after refurbishment. Or, they don't test them thinking they did a perfect job
All now appears to be well once again. After >24 hrs, refurb#2 seems 100% functional so far. Thanks to all for suggestions. These forums are terrific!
I'm new to this site. I have a 2007 Prius and I have the same problem the MFD display is completely blank. Tried pressing hard on all the buttons even holding them down but nothing. This happened over a week ago. I have an appointment at the dealers on Tuesday, took for ages to get one. The car will be 2 years old in Aug. Is this something I will be charged for or is this part still under warranty?
Assuming you are under 36k, I would expect this to be under warranty. And since we are way past your appointment time, please favor us with a blow-by blow of your experience! As an update on my own situation, the #2 refurb continues to do well, except when parked in the sun for several hours. On three separate occasions, the MFD remained blank after starting and driving the car until things cooled off in the cabin. I can't decide whether to just accept this or go back to the dealer yet again. Thoughts?
Update for any interested owners. Refurb #2 continued to deteriorate over several weeks. As of last week it was functioal approximately 50% of the time. No aggravating or alleviating factors were apparent. It might not work for 2-3 days, then randomly kick on as I'm driving down the road. Then it would function normally for a day or two, etc... So back to the shop for a full diagnostic workup. After consultation with Toyota Tech Support, conclusion that MFD is culprit. Nothing wrong with Prius electrical, fuses, etc. In other words, there have been three MFDs in this car: the original plus two refurbs. All were declared to be intrinsically defective. Yet judging by these forums it does not seem to be a widespread problem in '08 models. Now I have #3 refurb installed and so far it is performing flawlessly. I was told that this refurb is better than the previous ones(?!?). I asked if Toyota will continue to cover this situation after 36k/warranty expiration and was told absolutely, due to the track record of pre-existing condition. Has anyone else had a similar experience??
My 2008 has same problem, has been slowly getting worse for over a month. Unfortunately my Prius has almost 70,000 mi so no warranty.