Regardless of what actually happened, I am sure that the dealer had nothing to do with unloading the train itself. I would not think that the dealer is liable until after signing off the acceptance of the deliveries by the trucking company.
After reading what most of you are saying about the dealer, if I was him, I'd fix it and tell you your car was ready.
According the original post it states that the dealer said "THEY" wrecked the car while unloading the car. To me that that means the dealer is responsible for the damage. Even if the dealer blames the truck company, the dealer chooses who transports the cars and it seems like they use a cheap or inexperienced transporter to save a few bucks.
It is a matter of trust. If you don't trust your salesperson then a picture to prove the car is wrecked doesn't address the fundamental problem that you don't trust the salesperson. If you don't trust him about his honesty in this then you probably also have doubts about whether he's given you the best price, whether he's concerned more about you having a good experience vs. immediate profit, et cetera. If you have those concerns, why do your business there, assuming other there are other dealers you have access to? If you trust the dealer then no need for a picture. Bad Things (tm) happen. It is unfortunate that you have to wait longer to get your car. Does that entitle you to pain and suffering as some have humourously implied? No. Does the fact that you waited a year since you decided to purchase the car and now have to wait longer entitle you to something? No. You're entitled to enter into a sale that you feel confident in. If you don't feel confident, don't enter into the sale! Hopefully you put the deposit on a credit card, which you can dispute off much easier than trying to get a check deposit back once its been cashed. I hope you get your new Prius soon. Take care, Jonathan
The car is so new they do not have parts to fix it. I think it was the fender and the bumper. Besides who wants to buy a prius thats already been wrecked. Which brings up a new topic. You better not wreck a 2010 because they are using every part they can get to fill the 110,000 japan orders.
A dealer is not responsible until we sign for it after it gets unloaded from the truck, not the train. The zone can step in and get that dealer another vehicle VERY quickly if need be. Just as eglmainz said. And yes, it does happen. I have seen it happen to our store twice in 4 years. Rare, but it does happen. 99% of the time, the salespeople don't even know because it isn't a sold unit.
The dealer does not have control over, nor responsibility for, the car until the truck drops it off, so your dealer did not wreck your car. I'm sure they/Toyota will find a way to expedite a replacement. On a related note, how do you think the prospective owners of these Porsches felt?
Thats it right there. Most people never know about this stuff because it is not for Sale. With the "PRIUS FRENZZY FEEDING". We got people Tracking Boats, Trains, and Trucks.
Exactly. Would you rather be told that your car was wrecked and you'll have to wait a while longer, or be sold a car that had been wrecked and repaired without you knowing it? I don't see what a dealer would get out of making up a story like that. If they did sell your car to someone else, I'm sure they're doing the same thing to many other people too. I wonder how many train wreck stories they can come up with?
GoFast found a car for ya. :typing: :thumb: :dance::yo::nod::wave: Check it out. Enjoy as Always! :nod:
That was my very first thought as I was reading the OPs first post!! Ask to see the car. If they try to give you some bs story like it got shipped back to japan or something, then you know they're lying.
WOW,First of all thanks FOR SPENDING TIME LOOKING for me. I feel so impoetant. Its funny you posted a White package 3 because afther my pack 2 got wrecked I decide to treat myself with a upgrade, It is to come in july 30 but lets play a money game amd see if this guy can beat the Dealer here in Denver and Make it worh my time to buy one in Mich. Here is the lowdown on the one from Denver, 2PACKAGE 3 MSRP 23000.00 Blizzard Pearl Panit 220.00 Destination Charge 750.00 -------------- 23,970.00 Dealer handling rip off 399.00 ---------------- Total 24, 369.00 I will call the guy in Mich, and see what it will take to buy it. Any bets on what it will be?
I'm going to respectfully tell you that you are wrong. Ask yourself this. If the car was damaged at the freightyard, why on earth would Toyota ship it to the dealer, let it sit there for a week or two, then come pick it up. After that, RELOAD it onto another train and bring it back to the port. That makes no sense at all. The dealer will never see the car. He won't get pictures. It will be marked on the dealer inquiry that it was damaged during freight and rebuilt. And I think it was WVgasguy that mentioned about the dealer fixing the car and selling it. Just for the record, that won't ever happen either as the dealer would be an idiot to accept a wrecked car. In Illinois, any "new" vehicle (meaning untitled) that has more than 3% damage has to be disclosed, by law, to the consumer. They also have to sign paperwork saying that they know it had $x,xxx.xx amount in damage. I'm fairly sure other states have similiar laws as well. Yes, it was wrecked. Both the dealer and Toyota will be very anxious to get the OP a car as fast as possible.
No bets but I just came across another one. Toyota : Prius:eBay Motors (item 300323276219 end time Jun-23-09 20:12:18 PDT) Hope something works out for ya. Enjoy as Always! :wave::ranger:
I'm starting to think that something bad, like what happened with the OP Prius, happened with my Prius too. It is now 10 days past the estimated arrival in the dealer. Three days ago the sales guy told me the reason for the delay was shipping to the wrong destination, Chicago instead of Indianapolis. Yesterday morning he said he could not track it anymore, so he was not sure how, when, and who the heck was going to ship it to Indy. My answer to that news was as ugly as it can get, I just couldn’t help myself. Then, yesterday at 10:40PM (yes, that late), there was a voice message in my cell from the dealer sales manager. The manager asked me to call him back today at 10AM to discuss about what is going on. This is probably not good news, what do you folks think? BTW: I do have a VIN since I ordered the car… so no chances that the sales guy “accidentally” sold it to someone else…
Already did a basic (free) carfax search. It says ZERO records, so, I' guess the car is indeed in transit and was not registered by any dealer yet. But the question is, why the manager wants to discuss this with me instead of the sales guy, and why he called me so late yesterday? It can't be good news, can it?
Polyanna here - maybe he wants to surprise you with the car!! Hope for the best -be prepared for the worst.
OK, here is what the sales manager had to say for me: “Unfortunately, we do not know where your Prius is right now and we honestly don’t know when it will arrive. The last tracking records we have available show your car in West Chicago on June 8! Since this is Indianapolis, clearly, we should have received your car a long time ago. We contacted Toyota and the distribution center yesterday as an attempt to find out where the car is but they usually don't get back to us with an answer before 4-5 days and they may not answer at all. We are afraid the car got shipped to the wrong dealer, who knows who and where, but the VIN has not been registered in the system yet, therefore, it's probably still in transit. We apologize for the inconvenience and will keep you posted†:hurt::hurt::hurt: So, before I get crazier, what do you think? Should I shop around for a possible available Prius in my area and try to get my deposit back and cancel my order? I think it is unlikely to find a Prius just like I want (or similar) near here because I did check in all of them recently during my shopping and they all would have to order it, but who knows?