Odd. The words are there on the page, I read them, but they seem obfuscated somehow. :noidea: Guess I'll just move on to another thread. P.S. - I'd like to suggest that the concept of "concept failure" has failed... heeehee (sorry, couldn't resist)
A Failure To Communicate! I disagree with whatever PriusSkeptic was trying to say. But in his Rush Limbaugh raised by Wolves stammering I sense he needs a friend. So I'm going to do my best to communicate in his language. 1. Engine Stop Technology: Yes, don't you just hate it when people are NOT burning fuel when they don't have to?!! I'm for Engine Go Legislation. All cars must constantly burn fuel when occupied. Why go to the trouble of having drive through banks and eateries for consumer convienence if it doesn't include burning 1st World levels of Fossil Fuel. Engine Go Legislation, Keep the U.S.A. #1 in burning fossil fuels! To me, if you want your engine stopped while going to Taco Bell, Park It, Turn it Off, Go IN and Order and leave the Drive Through for REAL Americans who can see the big picture. 2. EV-Mode Belongs in the realm of the unreal. Like Bullet Trains and Viagara. Long Live The ICE! If Prius People had their way we'd have Star Trek induced fantasies like Ha! Ha! Communicator like Cell Phones and Personal Computers. Money for nothing and your chicks for free? If this car is so advanced why can't it print it's own money? Enough of this Techno Induced Trance! Free yourself by breathing some good old fashioned liberating tail pipe emissions! I've got to go tune up the old 76 Ford Econoliner. That's when Econo meant something!
Well, I reread his statements, and have been doing some heavy drinkin, and they still make no sense;-P
A 2008 Prius for example was not the car for everyone - It was a hefty extra price last Summer for 20 extra MPG than a regular Civic for example. But, for some, who drive a lot of miles every year, Prius can make good sense. Regardless of what VW claims about the Jetta TDI, etc, etc ... a 2008 Prius does average 46 MPG, average dude, not 'best' highway MPG. I did a road trip last weekend and averaged 51 MPG, measured at the pump. The tradeoff? Little bit tepid power when climbing hills, that's about it. wouldn't want 4 big adults in it, climbing mountains, that's for sure. 2010 Prius, better power and more carrying capacity. Bottom line - the Prius is in high consumer demand. Toyota Mfg. is working 24/7 to build them fast enough. Sad, but I bet GM wishing they could work 8hrs/5 days building those hefty SUV's, Yukon's and such.
This OP is a complete idiot. I have seen a ton of clients like him. They spout a bunch of words, which may impress the ignorant who can't think, but unfortunately for the OP, this is not the Hummer board (no offense intended). So stop smoking that crap, go to school and actually earn your education and then come back here to talk. Oh and good luck with that whole cultural thing. You have to learn to be happy with who you are without hating others.