While I love the Gen 3, I gotta say that the knee room for a tall guy, like me, is a bit problematic. The shift console on the right is a LOT less than I drove a Gen 1 I drove for a LOT of miles (254K miles); I was NEVER uncomfortable in the Gen 1. Not saying the Gen 3 is a pain, but it is (in my knees). Perhaps there is a money-making opportunity for me in devising a cushioned approach on the right-kneed shifter-console-side. Toyota; pay attention!! Americans are, for the most part, larger than the Japaneese designers. We require a little more knee room. Still, the Gen 3 is a HELL of a car!!
Have to agree with you there. The one thing about the Gen III I did not like was the new center console. It took away some leg room, and I am not enamored with the center console gauge setup. The Nav setup seems less friendly than the Gen II. Maybe I just got too use to my Gen II setup, but I wound up with a 09 Touring over a 2010 base (the price breaks helped that as well The Gen III is a great car, none the less. I drove my buddy's, and there is much to like.
I would buy the Gen 3 but at 6'6" there is not enough leg room. They still do not get it that they need to create more leg space for taller people in the front seat
I guess this will be an "opposing opinion". Before getting my car Saturday, and seeing all the pictures and comments about the console etc, I was a bit worried. I tend to drive, especially on highways / cruise with my legs spread out a bit. Was concerned my knees would constantly rub against the console. Surprisingly that is not the case for me. I drove about 60 miles today (now up to about 400). Matter of fact I thought of it several times during my drive today. I really had to pivot my right leg more than normal to touch the console. I'm 6' 190lbs. So for me anyway - no real issues re left/right knee while driving. The seat is set about 3 notches from the farthest back setting. I would like more fore-travel to the telescopic wheel, and the door armrest and console armrest higher. In general IMO the ergonomics are quite good - phew...as I plan to keep this car for a long time.
The Gen3 Prius has substantially more legroom from seat to pedals. The Gen2 measures 41" from brake pedal (the closest pedal) to the crease between seat bottom and seatback. This short distance forces a tall persons legs to go to the side or be crowded under steering wheel. See picture below (seat all way back) - And the Gen2 has an incredibly small seat bottom for a really tall person. So, legs end up with almost no thigh support, and flopped to the side. The fact is, the Gen2 seat is nearly a copy and has the same dimensions as a $12.5k Yaris liftback, the lowest car in Toyota's lineup, although the Prius seat has an airbag. If, one fits the Gen2 seat, they are lucky. Toyota has put a driver's seat into the Gen3, 2010 Prius that is very close to a Camry's size and features (mechanical seat). Gen3 seat measures 43.5" from brake pedal to seat bottom, equating to over 4 extra clicks back than a Gen2 Prius (assuming height adjuster in full down position). 4 extra clicks back for a tall person (i.e.6'3") is a remarkable improvement in forward legroom If the Gen3 seat is adjusted properly there is much more knee room in front of the dash, which is what counts. In a frontal crash, it's what's in front that is concern for safety. And the Gen3 has knee airbag. If one's leg is out to the side, the seat is not far enough back. If one is 6'6", they might be better in another car anyway. I like to have a bit of center console to rest a leg on than have it flopping around. If you have support for your right leg, can get better control of the gas pedal and possibly better fuel economy.
Re: Center Console I am really beginning to hate the center console on my 2010...Today I was talking about trading in for a 2009. Loved my 2004, thought it had much more room. The center console is really not well thought out...as you can't have two drinks and use the console, can't open with it in the forward position and the mp3 port is really in a hard to reach place... While complaining - it's harder to view behind you then the Gen I and II's (if that's possible) - even with the rearview camera, I feel like I'm taking a chance everytime I backup! Too bad - might be on craigslist by this weekend! Blizzard Pearl - Pkg 3 with Nav.
Must be rough to be 6'6". that's pretty far over the average height. I think you might be better off in another car. The vertical visiblity (due to top of windshied and rearview mirror) is always a challenge in a Gen2 or 3 due to steeply raked windshield. Hard for really tall folks to see even with a height adjuster down.
I'd think anything small would be difficult for a 6'6" person. I had worried about some of these comments, especially about room between the steering wheel and your legs for large guys. I'm 6'2" and 260#. My dealer got three in today so I drove over to check it out. I didn't see any issues to concern me any further.
Re: Center Console I feel your pain. That is one of the major reasons I went with the 09 Touring and package#6 instead of a 2010 (Saved a lot of cash too).
6'3" and 210 and was uncomfortable in the GII. I liked everything else but the leg room. The GIII is perfect. I think was right on the cusp of fitting in the GII so my new car is very comfortable. Also I have to say I really like the center console. I'm not really sure why, I guess it is because all the buttons are within easy reach without having to lean forward like on the GII. just my 2 cents G
I think the few ways a person who is really 6'3" ... could fit into a Gen2 and be reasonably comfortable is .... they would need to have shorter legs for a 6'3er, then would need to recline the seatback quite a bit. if shorter legs, then long torso, so head would be hitting roof, must recline seatback. anyrate, the driver's/front seat of the Gen3 was no small improvement. They could have made it 'Corolla-like', but didn't, they surpassed it. Every time I've sat in the 2010 seat, I'm impressed with the interior.
I'm trading my 2005 for a 2010 as soon as GST gets their act together and drops the "market adjustments", but I still feel that the driver seat in my '05 is much more comfortable than the driver seat in the 2010. I know I'm going to be crucified for saying it, but that new center console design is VERY intrusive and needs to be dropped in future versions.
After reading your original complaint about the headroom and thinking it ridiculous for someone not overly tall, I decided to assess why I don't have any issue in the GENII and I am the same height. I noticed I recline the seat pretty far back. To the point that my arms are fairly straight when resting on the steering wheel. I also notice I don't sit pressed up against the seat like I should so my seating posture is poor yet comfortable, even on long drives. This affords me tons of head room, so much so that I can wear a cowboy hat without any issues. I also sit with my knees bent as opposed to some people who appear to drive nearly straight-legged. I believe I am fairly even in torso/leg proportion but maybe my weight, or lack-of is what allows me to be comfortable in the GENII. At 6'3" and 170lbs I can blend in to just about any situation and find comfort. If I was substantially heavier I could envision having problems. For giggles I inclined the seat and set it up like I would for "racing conditions" and proper posture and my head was MUCH closer to the roof and I could see how some would get claustrophobic or simply not fit.
Re: Center Console Yes - I did test drive. However a test drive and a real world drive are pretty different. I didn't realize how much I would miss the slots in the doors (for paper, notes) and the pass thru under the console just seems like a wasted space. I'm no techie but I'm thinking they shouldn't have messed with the great intererior layout of the Gen II and if I wasn't looking forward to the next version so much and went on several test drives, I may have realized it wasn't the right fit for me...but oh well. I'll get used to it, or it will be perfect for someone else!
My son is 6' 2" (might be 6' 3" by now ) and has no issues with leg room--he doesn't even have to put the seat all the way back.