To a family member!! we are now a 3 prius extended family. Since the Prius Detroit trip, I could not get a new car right now, but two of my sisters in law have. One just got a blue (ribbon?) 2010 Prius III today, the other sister in law got one a week or so ago. Both in West Virginia. And, the most surprising thing, they both LOVED the new Prius commercials. I had not been hearing lots of good feedback on the commercials, but hay, I like 'em. To each his own. I'm just happy to be helping people join the Prius family..... even if they're my extended family!! RD
I had understood that the Prius Priority Pre-Order offer was transferable or assignable to family members, although I never knew what PPP's definition of "family" was. I wonder if you could have saved one of your Prius-buying family members some money.
Cool, good job! My brother is strongly considering one; its always a neat feeling when you are able to sell to family.
Would have been nice... my dad bought his 2010 a few days after I got mine (I took him to the LA event) - they traded in their 2006. My aunt/uncle have a 2006 as well, but are holding out for 2011+ for economical reasons, waiting for 1st year bugs, possible LiIon or plug in, etc. My co-worker who rode in mine a year or so ago and then bought one a week later took a ride in my 2010 last week and said that it was the version/type of car he really wanted vs. settling for his 2008. He's considering giving his 2008 to his GF and buying a 2010. Another co-worker has a 2006+ and needs another car, considering either a 2009, 2010, or a Mini-cooper. Trying to steer them to a 2010 unless money keeps them @ 2009. It's an easy sell once people have a chance to experience the car. Once you get one, chances are also pretty high that you'll be a repeat buyer.
The people on the bridge of the Starship Enterprius are very pleased! Boldly go where many 50 mpger's have gone before!