Gee! My wife would never do anything like that and if she did I know it would be an accident and I would forgive her immediately. Yeah. She is standing right behind me as I write this
Definitely give the detail shop a chance... might be able to buff the scratches out. But don't be worried about comprehensive claims upping your rates. My ex GF worked as a manager in an insurance office and she told me they don't raise rates for comprehensive claims. The idea being that comprehensive claims are not preventable. In fact I've had three comprehensive claims in the past few years and my rates haven't gone up. All nearly $1000 claims. The first two with $50 deductible, last one no deductible. Basically if the auto body place has to paint even one panel you're talking nearly $1000. Each additional panel can add $500 or more.
Ouch, your agent sucks. I should have been dropped several times over given all the calls I've made to my State Farm agent. Makes me glad I'm in TX where "snow" is a foreign word. Rain on the other hand....
I have a Salsa also. It seems to be accident prone. All scrapes are to clear coat and/or pigment layer, except on bumpers. Primer is intact.I polish off the foriegn paints with rubbing compound and then wax. I will use some touch-up paint where it shows the most when it is warmer. When it gets over this prone-ness I may see a paint shop. Alas and alack.
Thanks for all the responses. I'm getting it detailed this weekend (waiting until after this week's rainstorms), which should take out the shallow clearcoat scratches. I just bought touch-up paint and a paint kit (brushes, clearcoat, etc.) online that should let me fix the bad scratches myself.
Hey keep the dumb wifes jokes to a minimum...I will be one of those in the next few months!! :mrgreen: Anyway, go to It is asite of detailers and they may be able to help you out before you go any pay a lot of money at a detali shop or getting it repainted. That sucks!!!!
Wow, that site has some *serious* detailers. I just signed up there so I can post my question to them. At the least, I may be able to find a better detailer than my local shop... Thanks a lot for the link.