1. Engine Stop Technology One person stated here "It literally drives me crazy when I'm not moving and the engine is running". Unfortunately, when you allow consumer convenience (eg. drive through banks, eateries, etc) to influence road planning that is what happens. Toss in the scheme of exporting the Bric's overpopulation to the USA and voila, Engine Stop Technology makes a whole lotta sense (if you desire 3rd world living status) 2. EV - Mode Well, it doesn't work does it...the ICE is still there and the only mode of transportation. However, the Star Trek induced fantasies live on - obviously Prius owners believe they are on the way to technoparadise where something is available for nothing. That something for nothing is the subsidies because lets face it, if this is the car that is 10 years ahead of its time then why isn't the stick price $32,000 instead of $22,000?
I got my 2009 for $20k...and you can get a 2010 for a price near that...I think it's a testament to Toyota for making an advanced hybrid vehicle that can sell for $22k! Nice work on your first post...you should make alot of friends in here!
1)Huh? Do you have a point? 2)EV mode works perfectly when used to do what it is designed to do. Nobody's ever claimed free energy. But it's better to use energy stored in the battery that was produced during efficient ICE combustion periods than to propel the car using gas when the ICE will be in an inefficient state. And you're disappointed that the Prius is only $22k? What a very strange and trollish first post this is.
:welcome: to PriusChat. In very short time, this thread is going to turn into a OP induced troll bashing free-for-all. Sometimes they're even educational, let's wait and see... But before that happens, could you tell me what you're smoking, and where you got it? I really would like to try it whatever it is.
The best part of the OP's agenda is he claims he is driving a 2006 Prius. Must be fun to HATE what you drive! The arguments with yourself and the voices in your head are a good thing...just keep posting them on here in great detail (I could use a good laugh)!
To reiterate, my points are: a. Engine stop reinforces and practically encourages ridiculous road networks. "Quit yer whining, your engine isn't running is it?", is the new Prius Motto while you plod along in congested traffic. b. Toyota (and soon the American consumer darling, China) is really selling you guys their massive overpopulation (and by consequence the inability to be reserve currency). Chasing MPG on a stick amounts to economically suicidal population density. While you chase the carrot, the oil speculators keep ramping up the floor price of oil. I could go on about the folly of plug ins but thats outside the bounds of this forum category. PS. Can you say CONCEPT FAILURE more strongly when you add a PWR mode? Why don't these guys at Toyota make up their mind...is the ICE on the way out or what?
Ok, I'll bite. Your profile says you own a Prius, but when you refer to China, you say they'll sell 'you guys"... Which is it, are you a Prius Owner, or a Troll? Just because a car has an ECO and a PWR setting does not mean that it is a failure. I wish that other cars (with only ICE under the hoods) would also have the feature. If they did, you could choose to sip the gas a little less, and be a little sluggish, or suck it down and have POWER. I think that you concept of trying to 'invade' Priuschat is the Failure here. But I will allow the more vocal folks here deal with you. (If I am wrong, and you are just a fellow Prius guy, then you may want to rev down a but around her when you post, so as not to upset the natives.:violin
If the SUV idea is so rotten why do you think the central bank cons told americans their best personal policy for economic security is mobility. I don't know about you but to me that equates to towing capacity, off-road capabilities, potable energy source, and range. Doesn't sound like a Prius does it?
I own a Prius but I don't drink the koolaid any more. The predatory financial sector has awoken the giant inside...i think you guys need to educate yourself on whats really going on regarding monetary phenomenon rather than continuing on in a techno-induced trance.
I don't know about you all, but 50 MPG EPA speaks for itself. He seems to be on some pretty powerfull stuff. If he would share some of the stuff he is on, it might be worth trying some. :lol:
No, engine stop is designed to cope with existing road networks in a more efficient way. Nothing about the auto-stop feature discourages more sound road planning. This doesn't even make sense. You haven't shown how your premises support your conclusions, or even really explained what MPG improvements on a more efficient automobile have to do with population density, or why it is economically suicidal. Your claims are ill-supported and vague. You appear to be some kind of anti-urbanist, but even this isn't quite clear. Please try again, with more clarity and more rigorous reasoning. Thanks!
And I predict if you can't see the big picture and change then your descendants won't be able to afford the gas (or electricity) to go 50 miles. Heck those "SMART" car owners are one step away from their final destiny: bicycles. Its a failure to see the consequences of your actions.
So what you're saying is: by not buying gasoline more often we are driving gas prices higher, thusly ruining the economy? And here I thought it was the exact opposite....
If getting 60+ mpg, reducing my personal fuel consumption by 400 gallons and reducing my fuel costs by $1500 a year is "drinking the kool-aid" then I'll do it until my lips are numb! Nice work stirring the pot with your thread...surprised you're still conscious considering the amount of beer you've consumed today...keep the posts coming...up to 5 now and you can post photos (would love to see one with you giving the finger to your Prius)!
I'm afrain the clarity you've requested would only expose the absence of logic in the "argument" presented. The request for "rigorous" reasoning is a bit presumptive, though. First: An Argument. Second: A Logical Supporting Supposition or Proposition. Third: A Reasoned Statement showing how the Logic is supportive of the Argument. It may be asking too much, but I'd then like to hear the OP's suggested options for resolving the conflict that [must] exist if the Argument is valid. Sorry to be so strong in my statements, PriusSkeptic, but it seems to me that the only Concept Failure your argument suggests is the one that will cause us as a nation to continue to rely on fossil fuels to provide the sole energy source for personal transportation. Can everyone afford an SUV? Does everyone need an SUV? Are we better off ignoring foreign improvements? Do we put up really high fences and go live in the mountains? If you don't like your Prius, that's OK by me. You'll be able to sell it for a nice sum of money and be happier with another car. To suggest the Prius is the advent of mass economic suicide (and fratricide, apparently) is beyond reasoned analysis.
Your statements are illogical Mr. Spock! If all of the autos that manufacturers produced achieved 50+ MPG, this would consume less resources and keep all energy costs at a minimum. Go back to college and study economics 101 Mr. Spock!