The rearview mirror in my '04 BC is vibrating and steadily getting more annoying. If I squeeze the mirror where it joins together, the vibration will stop...for a bit. Anyone else experiencing this and found a fix? Thanks, Scott H.
My '05 rearview mirror also vibrates...until I noticed it's in tune with the heavy bass beat of my Erasure Nightbird CD. My fix: I turn down the volume :mrgreen:. But yeah, it's annoying as hell and doesn't happen with our non-Prius car. I don't know any other fix. Sorry!
Had a 1976 Explorer with a nasty vibrating mirror. Couldn't find any way to tighten it, so began to rely solely on the outside mirrors. Took it to a dealer. They said I needed a new mirror. It had an auto dim feature and some other stuff. A new mirror would be $250 plus installation. I told them to forget it. Got a rock in the windshield and it cracked badly. Took it in for a new windshield and told the guy of the mirror problem. He looked at it and said it wasn'f pushed fully in the glued on bracked. He put it on the new windshied and it was rock solid. I complailned about the dealer and the windshield guy said he saw more windshields and mirror in a week than most dealer service centers did in a year. Check your mirror fitting.
I've noticed the vibration as well. Rotating the mirror on it's axis just a bit seems to help - however it doesn't stop it for long. Seems like there's a bit of play between the shaft and the mirror itself.
Mine creaks a bit too. I believe it is how the assembly is snapped together. But my Sunpass transponder makes even more of a racket, since the suction cup mount doesn't hold it properly to not bounce against the windshield.
It definitely has to do with the way it is snapped together. Squeezing the parts does help, for a short time.