Some shameless speculation on my part here. What we know: - Car is launched on Saturday 1st August. - Order book opened on 1st June. However what you could order was restricted. i.e. each exterior colour appears to have had only 1 choice of interior colour. You couldn't order leather. - The ship takes 6 weeks from Japan to the UK. Plus you have to add on time for the cars to get processed at port and by the dealer, so maybe another couple of weeks. So - the first UK customer cars must be on a ship already. I suspect they were all built to set specification - hence no choice of interior colour or ordering options like leather. If I'm right, the next question is how many of the people who have ordered already will get their cars on the 1st August?
Mine has a dealership delivery date set at 27th July - which gives them 3 days to prep it ready for 1st Aug. :cheer2:
I'll be on vacation in the UK August 15 - 22 and I will be driving my brand new Pearl White Prius. I'm real curious if I will be seeing other 3GP's. It'd be fun to compare and see the differences (apart from the mirrored dashboard). I do hope I don't bump into anyone on the roundabouts.
Scott @ Toyota GB PR confirmed on Twitter that the first customer cars should start arriving in the UK in July for 1st August delivery. Thanks Tone_UK for asking the question. So yes, willster, you very well may see some Gen 3 cars in the UK in early August (and not just at Toyota dealer showrooms)
What's really impressive is that Scott replied to you within 3 minutes of you posting the question! These cars may be running the gauntlet of the Somalian pirates as we speak.