So it's getting closer and closer to ordering time for me since I'm waiting to get my Prius in September. My original plan was to get the IV with the solar option but I MAY have changed my mind. Reason being the monthly payments. I can save myself $40+ a month by getting the IV with the Nav package and the Remote Engine Start and forfeiting the Solar Package. Although I'd love the sunroof I don't think I want to spend that extra money on the Solar roof when I don't need it. Hopefully someone in my area will be able to install a good aftermarket sunroof down the line. What do you think?
If you want a sunroof eventually, I'd get it now. This one has a lot of features with it that an aftermarket roof won't have. Plus it's guarenteed not to leak. Don't know about your financial situation but for most of my buddies, $40/ is just beer money. Or you could give up Starbucks every other work day. Lot's of ways to come up with $40/month. And seriously, how bad do you need a remote start?
all the drama on this board about the lack of availability of solar roofs? that is demand. In 4 years when you go to trade or sell (ok in "x" years) - the aftermarket sunroof will be less of a draw than the solar, so i think the 1800 is a better long term deal than the $1000? or so for aftermarket. also - you might not be able to get one anyway, even in september
I don't want the Nav either but that package has all of the other features I want in the car except the Sunroof. It's a tough choice.. I understand $40 isn't much but at the same time it is.. In todays market, business is slow for everyone so $40 is a lot. I don't buy beer, go to starbucks, but money is tight like it is for most people. I'm paying $400 a month right now for my G35x so for me to get the Prius IV with the Solar, and my down payment I would still be at $400 a month. At least I've got until August to make my decision
Considering that I park outside 365 days out of the year, The remote engine start would be quite handy.
This is true.. The only reason I want to wait until September is for the factory iPod connection so I don't have to install it myself or pay a dealer to install it afterwards.. The upgraded steering isn't a bad thing either
It would come in handy when parking in the hot sun all day, but the remote engine start will turn the AC on if I have it on when the car is turned off. I do not know.. If I think about it like I'm paying $1000 for the sunroof and $800 for the solar it's not so bad. Maybe the $40 would be less movies with my girlfriend and more downloading movies and HULU
i cant justify the additional expense of the solar roof either to be honest with ya. sure its cool and all and a great conversation topic and all, but it comes with too much baggage. the nav, etc... now, keep in mind, an aftermarket sunroof usually only carries a one year no leak guarantee. some i heard do better, but i only have experience with one person i knew and she had leak problems a year after her warranty ran out. granted, was an easy fix (just replaced the liner, cost less than $80 for DIY'er) now, why did i do it?? well mostly because the priority program price basically gave it to me for free
I'm in sort of the same position as you. I go back and forth over the Solar Package. I would really, really like a sunroof, but I have concerns about the solar panel, maybe they will all turn out to be unfounded but I'm a little nervous about owning a car with a huge solar panel on the top. Worried about durability and long term life of the panel. I really wish Toyota had simply offered a sunroof..period. While the ventilation fan would be nice for X number of days a year, I really think I could live without it, or come close (yes, not as good) to duplicating it's benefit by simply using a sun shade and cracking a window. I'm not that worried about having a sunroof installed in the future. If I can wait a year or two, I've just about missed this summer anyway, I can probably get feedback from others that have had it done. A good installer and a good quality sunroof shouldn't be a problem. Infact someone posted in here that the roof on the new Prius doesn't open all the way, and they were a little disappointed. I'm thinking I might be able to get a nicer sunroof aftermarket. On the Generation2 some people have gone against recommendation and had Sunroofs installed, Webasco brand and others and they look pretty nice. The biggest hurdle would be finding an installer who knows what they are doing. I have more or less concluded to do similar to you. I think I'll try to get a Prius equipped with everything I want outside of the sunroof and maybe at some point down the line look at having an aftermarket installed. But I figure if with the apex of the roof moved back, and Toyota building them with sunroofs, then adding an aftermarket shouldn't be a problem. I haven't done this yet, but maybe I'll call around my local area and just get an idea about the cost and reality of having a sunroof added aftermarket. I know with the sloping roof nature of the 2nd generation some installers would refuse to do the job. That might be the biggest flaw in the "aftermarket" plan. PS. Not to harp on the obvious but the other thing to realize is aftermarket installation of a good quality sunroof done by a good quality shop won't necessarily be cheap. While my guess is it will be cheaper than the Solar Package and NAV, it's still going to cost. It could become a situation where you are delaying the $40 a month on a car payment, only to put $40 a month on a credit card. For me, the choice is more about feeling good about the car.
add up the costs of your girlfriend and divide by some other number - representing some other variable. She won't be justified as economically viable either!
To say what will be in demand in 4 years or longer is impossible. What if Toyota decides that all future Prius III models and above came with sunroofs standard? Where is the demand then? Maybe you will be able to get the sunroof without solar panels for $500 or $1000 factory option. Also what if the new 2011 or 2014 came with Plug in capabilities, what do you think the 2010 which get you on trade? Just look at the folks here getting super low trade values for their late model gen 2 Prius. Choose your options that best suit you right now and never think as options as a future investment.
those are good points - todays surge may not matter in resale i personally would not buy a car with an aftermarket sunroof. thats just me, personally
I agree with you 100% It would probably deter buyers and hurt trade value. Let alone the leaks that could occur, I feel that the aerodynamics and the cars rigidity would be compromised with a after market roof as well.
I decided not to insist on the sunroof because, well, I'm bald. My wife (she's the one who really wanted it) said, just wear a hat, I said I think we'll skip the sunroof. I may still get it if my dealer doesn't get a IV in the right colors without it. Am I being silly? Naturally, I've never had a sunroof before. Rich N.
In defense of aftermarket sunroofs, a sunroof is a hole in your roof. It's a hole in the roof whether it happens in the factory on the assembly line, or in a competent installers garage. My feeling is that if Toyota can now build them with sunroofs, then sunroofs can be added. I think you might be making judgements based on the early days of aftermarket sunroofs. Or sunroofs installed by incompetent installers. I wouldn't go cheap on either product or installer but some very nice, sometimes better than factory sunroofs are available today. I had an aftermarket sunroof installed in a small pick-up I once owned. Had it for 5 years and absolutely no problems. I miss it today, which is why I want a sunroof so bad. I would be nervous buying a used vehicle inwhich I knew an aftermarket sunroof had been installed, since then I wouldn't have any knowledge about the quality of the roof or the skill of the installer. So I would recommend having installation done by the best installer you can find, with the most experience. If I'm the owner I then keep documentation of installation, cost and installer so I can pass that on to the new owner if I decide to sell down the line. But I think aftermarket sunroofs/moonroofs can be just as reliable as factory installed roofs. Your reputable installers and your better manufacturers will offer waranties on their service and product. That's just my experience and 2 cents on aftermarket. The biggest hurdle is finding the good installer. If they haven't been doing it for years? I'd move on.