I saw one yesterday (my boss has been playing with it for a few weeks, apparently), and it looked great. I do a lot with PDF's (particularly when involved with the robotics team i mentor - a 200 page rulebook new each year, data sheets for various circuits, etc), and this would be amazing for keeping those on. I really, really love the low power consumption and long battery life, and the screen looked amazingly readable. The whole no glare thing would be completely awesome, as the biggest problem i have with technology is that it's next to impossible to use outside in the summer - you can never see whats on the screen.
The PDF capability is a big selling point, but is meaningless to me. I'll be using it to read books, magazines, and newspapers. I won't be putting PDFs on it. But lack of glare is important. As much as I like real paper, I find glossy magazines hard to read because of the glare. In normal indoor light glossy is annoying. I don't generally read out of doors, however. Maybe that's because I don't generally sit out of doors. I like walking, moving. And for some reason, I don't like to be in the sun unless I'm active.
Daniel, do you know if you can download e-books from web sites other than Amazon? If you can, will it still be free? (Not that I can afford to buy one, but very curious just in case I win the lottery or manage to find a really good job!)
My impression is that one down side of the Kindle is that it only works with books from Amazon, but I may be able to give a more definite answer once it arrives. The wireless delivery would definitely be free only for books from Amazon, because Amazon pays Sprint for the service, but the Kindle will plug into your computer, so if other ebook sellers have Kindle format, you could download from their web site to your computer, and then transfer to your Kindle. This also works if you are outside Sprint's service area. I figured Amazon would be likely to have the best selection, since they are so big. And apparently there are self-publishing authors who sell their books cheap, for like a dollar, if you are interested in authors who the big publishers won't publish. This is in keeping with Amazon's model of allowing other retailers to sell through their web site. Being able to read a chapter free is also appealing to me. I go to the library and read a page or two before deciding to check out a book. The Kindle is, in my opinion, too expensive for what it is. But I'm in a position to pay too much for something I really want, such as my electric Porsche, and this.
dont have kindle and 6" seems small, but i have a book ON MY 2" i pod...so up to u as to what you can stand i guess. i personally dont want an item as big as a laptop or even a notebook for that matter. as long as text size and be changed and screen is not ridiculously small, the only thing i would be concerned with is readability in bright outdoor conditions. that would be a deal breaker for me.
Have you considered buying an iPod (or other MP3 player), books on CD and then downloading them to the iPod? That is my Dad's favorite way to 'read' a book. He's then free to do other things while still enjoying the books that he likes. I've downloaded a few of his books & listened to them while driving. My parents live 3 hours away from me & it helps to pass the time.
Just some counter-points: 1. According to Amazon, you do not lease the book, you buy it. You can delete it from your Kindle and download it again at any time in the future. Whether or not the "ownership" would extend beyond the death of the company, time will tell. 2. I've never seen them charge the same for any of the books (60 or so I've bought) as their regular price although it does seem to be getting closer. That's balanced by the number of classics they're giving away or selling for 99 cents, in my view. 3. My Gen I Kindle is smaller than most of my 3000 hardbacks and Gen II is smaller. 4. Yes, it was expensive, but when I think about how much I've saved on my 60 books and the bookcase I haven't had to buy to store them in, it's easier to take. 5. Maybe so, although paper doesn't last forever either. 6. The battery isn't that big of a deal. With the air service turned off, it runs a long time (I haven't really checked). And on the other hand the fact that the battery in the Gen I is replaceable and that in the II is not, is why I have no plans for a II. And yes, I love my Kindle almost as much I love to read. I have to travel a lot. It's not as easy to carry a week's worth of books in a suitcase as it is on my Kindle. But I love my Prius more.
well if you cant buy the electronic version at a discount, i would not consider the option either. but i am pretty sure that libraries provide the option to download electronic versions of books (thanks to google i believe, as i seem to remember them spearheading an electronic book archiving project with the U-M)
Check out O'Reilly Ebook Bundles (One of the BIGGEST selling points for me, as these books are amazing for software engineers) Any book that's available in mobipocket or pdf formats can be viewed on the Kindle now, regardless if it comes from Amazon or not. The nice thing about Amazon is the free, direct wireless download to the device, and it certainly gives them a competitive edge against other e-book sellers. One thing to note, however, is that the mobipocket format hasn't handled things like tables terribly well, which was a big sticking point with O'Reilly. It's apparently getting better and Amazon is working with publishers to let them display stuff as they want, which is certainly a good sign. More details about how O'Reilly and Amazon have been working together to improve the format: Over 160 O'Reilly Books Now in Kindle Store (without DRM), More on the Way - Tools of Change for Publishing
When I travel I buy audio books from Audible.com for my iPod. I also download podcasts of radio shows. And I buy audio lecture series from The Teaching Company. I use all these things when driving, flying, or cooking meals at home, and sometimes when exercising. But reading is a different kind of pleasure. It's more relaxed, and it's easier to go back and read a sentence or a paragraph again. When I am doing nothing else, I'd rather read than listen. Or I might listen to soft music while reading. I cannot read in a car or a plane or a boat. But when I'm just resting, I'd rather read. And the Kindle will allow me to carry several books (or many books) at the weight of just one book. I believe the electronic version is always cheaper. But the big selling point for me is for travel: A hundred books on the Kindle weigh the same as one book. I doubt the free books will ever be as numerous or as well formatted as the ones you pay for. A down side would be that as progress progresses and formats change, the ebook you buy today might be unusable in a decade. Some people like the idea of having an attic stuffed with boxes of old magazines that they could burrow through and read in 20 years (but never will!). The magazines you buy for your Kindle can be saved on your computer, but may be unreadable on the next version of Kindle. However, when I moved out of my home in rural ND there were so many books that there was hardly room for me. Having all my books in one tiny electronic gadget is worth the trade-off that they won't be as permanent as paper. And I still have my library card, which is one of my most valuable possessions.
Cool, Daniel. I'll be very interested to hear your review once you get it. As I said, I have a few friends with both the first-gen Kindle and the Kindle 2, but none with the DX yet. Let us know how you like it.
formats will always be an issue. my cellphone has the ability to transfer adobe PDF's and read them. that format i am pretty sure will be around for a while and most newer versions are backward compatible. occasionally i see issues for special formatting, but the text is always readable
On the contrary daniel... I think you'll still be able to read these books 20 years from now if you so desire. For example, today i can load up *any* old DOS based program (programs that are a good 15-20 years old!) inside a simple, easy to use emulator on my Mac. In fact i do occasionally, if only because some of the computer games from that era had such great gameplay that the only thing keeping them from competing today is graphics. Simply put, if you find any old document on your hard drive that's in what once was a popular format, odds are you can still display it today - heck, i have book reports from elementry school still on disk that i can open today. The same should be true with eBooks. Especially as they get more and more popular (and i think Amazon and the Kindle have finally broken it out into a mainstream media source), you can count on at least some sort of compatibility for years and years to come. I won't say that you'll be able to read a book on the Kindle 2030 that you downloaded today, but i would be willing to bet you'd be able to open it on your computer and even save it as a version compatible with that future Kindle (especially if the ebook doesn't have any DRM on it!).
I am a Kindle 2 owner and absolutely love the device. I have also seen the Kindle DX in person, but prefer the Kindle 2 more because of its smaller form factor. It really depends on the type of media you commonly read. The Kindle DX is much more suited for reading periodicals, where the Kindle 2 is better for novels. I appreciate the Kindle 2's small form factor and find that reading on the e-ink display to be a pleasure (especially being able to adjust the font size). The text to speech is decent, although it is not a feature I regularly use. I enjoy the convenience of Whispernet and being able to download content anytime. Also looking up content online (it has a text web browser) is great for searching Wikipedia or what not. I also like how it is simple to add your own content either via USB or by sending the file as an email attachment to the Kindle (it has its own email address). It also gets fantastic battery life (turn off Whispernet when your not needing it) requiring me to only charge it every 3 or 4 weeks. It is truly wonderful having lots of content on a single device, daily newspaper delivery, magazines, owners manuals (converted from PDF), novels, etc. They aren't cheap by any means, but part of the price I'm sure is the Whispernet (as you don't have a monthly fee and its free for the life of the device). It's a good value and I am saving money with every content purchase since. Definitely would recommend it to anyone who is an avid reader.
The Kindle DX (unlike the 1 and 2) has the ability to read PDF files without outside formatting. But I'll be surprised if I ever do. I expect to use it for books, magazines, and newspapers. It will greatly surprise me if I'm still alive 20 years from now! I had some DOS programs I wrote myself that I would love to be able to run on my Mac. I don't think I even have the floppies any more. They were not "well-behaved," though, as they wrote directly to screen memory. I struggled over the size issue! The old Kindle just seemed too small for comfortable reading, but for travel I'd have preferred smaller size and weight. Then, several reviewers said the contrast on the 2 was not as good as on the 1, and that concerned me. Early reviews of the DX say the contrast is good again, and they seem to think the larger size is a big improvement. I just got the email that mine was shipped, and should arrive on Monday.
My Kindle has been in Spokane since Friday afternoon, but Fed Ex does not deliver on weekends, and they said it's not at a walk-in facility, so I have to wait until tomorrow. At least with Fed Ex there's the possibility of getting it during the day. UPS never gets here until about 7:00 p.m.
It arrived. They sent it Fed Ex, rather than UPS, so I didn't have to wait until evening. First impression is positive. I had ordered three free books while it was on the way, and when it arrived they were on it. Or else they downloaded while I was glancing through the intro pages. First thing, I subscribed to the New Yorker. $3 per month, which is 69 cents per issue. First issue downloaded very fast. Pages refresh fast (faster than the Sony ebook reader I saw in a local store). Operation seems generally intuitive. I have yet to play with it much. I'm partway through the short fiction piece "Zuggerat" in the current (my first) issue of the NYer. Text is clear and easy to read. I set it for one size larger than the default. There is some glare with the window at my back, but less than with a glossy magazine. I have to hold it at a suitable angle to prevent the glare. Maybe I need to find out if I can get anti-glare reading glasses. I will be trying it out under other lighting conditions, including my headlamp in an otherwise dark room, since when traveling there is often insufficient light to read in bed. Now I have to decide on a good newspaper to subscribe to for national and international news. Sadly, they do not offer La Jornada. More later.
I've been reading my Kindle DX. I've got the current issue of the NYer, with articles about the political crisis in Iran and about global warming, and a weird fiction piece about a girl and the Minotaur. And I've got a short novel called Serial, about what happens when two serial killers go after each other: a man who kills hitchhikers, and a girl who hitchhikes and kills the people who pick her up. And about three other novels. And I figure I'll try the trial subscription of the Financial Times, which gets universally good reviews. It is expensive, but I think I'm going to like it. Closing the blinds on my window ended the glare. I might spend less time on PC for a while.