Iphone OS 3.0 Bluetooth video tutorial on the 2010 prius Hi All, I made a 2010 Prius Video Tutorial On the Iphone 3.0 coming out in the next couple of days this video will show contact transfer Blue tooth link and Bluetooth Audio Streaming. Click here to watch I Also took Custom Pictures at the 2009 New York Autoshow of the 2010 Prius Click Here to View Mike Azami
I will Make a Video for the non navigation System I will put it up in the next day or so. If you guys want more videos please let me know. Mike Azami
Mike, thank you so much for that You Tube Video on the Iphone paring. The on screen step by step showing the buttons that were touched on the Nav screen and Iphone, makes it a no-brainer! Dennis:mod:
Yes please! We want lots of videos. Videos of every small detail in the car! You lucky people that can drive/touch/smell a new 2010! I'll have to wait until September
Gakubuchi What Kind of Videos would you like ? Plus if anyone lives in the bay area Close To Concord Toyota want to test all The Cellphones With Bluetooth So I can Make a Compatibility List with the 2010 Prius. PS If anyone Has A Treo 650 Want to test it out on this new Prius Please contact me If you Live Close To Concord Toyota The More Information we can get the more people we can help out :focus: Mike Azami Concord Toyota Office 925-349-2236
Well, I was talking about general videos... I'm sure there are a lot of small details that general reviews doesn't pay attention. For instance, I'd like to see videos from the configuration screens of the MID. Also opening/closing the moonroof from the inside, to see how big it is. The official video doesn't mention how to or if it is possible to open/close it with one touch. Things like this.... But don't worry... I hope I'll be able to check this details when I test-drive a new Prius (I hope soon)... Anyway, thanks for the video!
Hi All Sorry I was on vacation and went to Las Vegas I will put up a Video Tutorial of The Non Navigation Bluetooth ASAP Mean while Look the Videos I Have Already Click on Video CLICK ON ME Mike Azami Concord Toyota 925-349-2236:rockon:
Hi All Sorry I did not have prius on my lot with out Navi and blue tooth to make you all a blue tooth video tutorial. one will come in tomorrow and I promise will make it and upload it to my website you will see the post tomorrow. Mike Azami
Hi Sorry I did not have prius on my lot with out Navi and blue tooth to make you all a blue tooth video tutorial. one will come in tomorrow and I promise will make it and upload it to my website you will see the post tomorrow. Mike Azami
Hi Mike, I'd be very interested to see the Video Tutorial of the Non Navigation Bluetooth whenever you have it!
Great help Mike! I've been looking for a tutorial on this on Youtube and couldn't find it! Glad you posted it on the forums!