REPORT: Tesla Motors valued at $1 billion Right...for having shipped just over 500 cars and being strapped for cash... Remember the crazy "valuation" that Facebook had after the Microsoft investment? (was $15 billion, then $10 billion more recently)
I find that a little hard to believe (Saturn worth 100-200M with its dealer network, and Tesla worth 1B having only produced a few cars?) This is entirely moot of course - there is no way to find the real value of a company unless you try to sell it. And that doesn't look likely at the moment. Who knows, there may be a few crazies that would really pay 1B for it. -->Adam
Yahoo used to be worth more than whole New Zealand once upon a time. The reality was different. So is the reality of Tesla Motors. This financial crisis is all about being a big correction for many overvaluations all across the economic spectrum. I still think that Tesla Motors has a very bright future. But let's be realistic about its valuation.