My IV came with a DVD that explains many functions including the hybrid system, keyless entry, EV-EVO-PWR modes, etc. About an hour long. I am asking this because I see questions about things that are explained in the DVD. This leads me to believe that people are not watching it or did not get it with the car.
Yes, I received a DVD which was attached to the instruction manual with a rubber band. I have a 2010 Prius V w/Adv. Tech. I agree, the DVD is very informative and it does explain a lot of the function of the 2010 Prius.
Yup, got one as well but forgot about it till now! lol I'll have to pop it in the dvd player tonight...
Huh? Guys not reading instructions??? C'mon - we pour over every written word and document before operating anything.... Yep, I did see the DVD attached with the owners manual, but haven't watched it yet. I would think that much of the info had been posted on uTube as had been linked here a few weeks ago. Thanks for the reminder - I will check it out as well.
If people read the manual and watched the DVD, we wouldn't have much to write about on this forum. Some questions are so common I have the answers mapped to hot keys on my computer. Tom
I finally watched parts of the DVD yesterday. I read all the manuals that came with the car (all ~1,000 pages ), and assumed the DVD contained the instructional vids from the youtube channel (which it does not). If you've read the manuals, I don't think it's worthwhile, since it's very basic and drawn out. I think it's more for people who don't want to read anything and get a very basic understanding of the car (emphasis on very ).