May I add my congrats too?! Lovely house. and don't let them tease you about the clovers. My yard has them too pretty bad this year. I think they're worse because of the moisture/humidity. I tell my neighbors I'm cultivating it on purpose to help out the dwindling BEE population. Aunt Bee.
Thanks again everyone. Thats what Hybridfest if for. Yes. I'm hiring illegal immigrants for cheap so I still have money left over so I can burn a few hundred gallons of gas in a barrel outside just for the fun of it. In the area there are only a few jobs that pay more than the minimum wage. The hospital where I work is one of them. Although they do have some departments that pay the minimum unfortunately. I honestly don't see how anyone affords houses that start out at 300k for a 1k square foot home. Do employers start out more than the minimum wage in those areas?
If only a goat could be trained to eat dandelions and clover, but not the flowers, or the clothes hanging to dry on the line. Bunnies like clover, and usually can't reach the clothes, but they still eat roses.
Congrats on nabbing the big house on a big lot! My daughter is buying her first house this week. We thought she got a pretty good deal, but your steal takes the prize. A quarter acre of land with no house costs $120K in my neck of the woods.
Well after about a month of living here I get to file my first insurance claim. There must have been a tornado touch down near by because there is damage everywhere from what I was told. Since I'm at work my parents went to see what damage was done and it looks like the whole awning at the right rear corner of the house is down and damaged the soffit. And there are a few shingles missing. Only other thing was a the top of a tall pine tree snapped off and did not cause damage. Too bad I did not have my camera installed in that location yet as I could post video of it falling. Thats if the electric stayed on long enough to record it. I'll post pictures when I get them and I have internet access to post them. Where is the pissed emoticon?
Here are some pictures. These are unedited 8MP pictures. I still dont have electricity and I dont have any apps to resize the pics at work. Index of /damage09
Holy S*** I'd say you got off very lucky. If there was a lot of damage in the area, you may have to wait awhile before insurance/contractors can be in place In the meantime, apply a temporary barrier (OSB, plywood, etc) over the gap in the soffit. You don't want birds and critters moving into the attic Tornados are fickle and can happen anywhere. Even at a sleepy NW Ontario tourist camp Cottage-country twister kills 2 - Winnipeg Free Press I've never stayed at that camp but know where it is. Have fished at Lac Seul a few times. Beautiful country