Ok, now I know I am the suspicious type but this is ridiculous. We picked up our 07' Prius day before yesterday from the dealer...after being rear ended (rear bumper, cover, and paint) and in for the repair. They did a beautiful job. But...last night we went to dinner and the screen was on day mode (headlights on at night). I touched display and expected to see the day mode touch button just next to the Screen Off and Ok buttons. It is not there! It was there, I have used it many times. But it is not there now. I pulled over, turned off the headlights...no button. Powered down the car and back up again, no button. Got the manual out to double check myself...it shows and describes the use of the button as I remembered it...but my button on my NAV display remains missing. I grew suspicious and thought maybe someone had swapped my NAV unit for an older one. I still have the 7.1 upgraded DVD that I bought from Metro Toyota last year in the unit. I believe that it would not play in the older NAV units. But also, there would be more obvious differences if I had a previous unit. Anyone else had this problem and is there something simple I am missing or that the body shop driver could have messed up? HELP! PLEASE!
Hmm, I control the day and night screen with the dimmer switch located left of the steering wheel. All the way up turns the day screen on when the headlights are on.
That control is a dash overide that sets everything at once. I am just talking about the nav screen button...hmm, I wonder if the service dept. could have just turned the switch you are referring to all the way into the detent and if that takes the nav screen button out of the picture???
FWIW, when i picked up my spanking new prius last month, it was dark - and i didn't know there was a dimmer roller (my acura had dimmer buttons) - so i thought the lack of a day/night setting was an oversight on toyota's part - sure enough, next day, i found the roller switch - it was detented into full, which also explained why the screen was so bright at night. I actually read my car's manuals - but when you just get in and drive, wierd stuff happens. i'd be suprised if they mucked with your firmware - i'd bet it's as simply as rolling that dial
Nope, that dial does not change the MFD display brightness. At least it does not while I don't have the "day mode" soft key on the screen with "display" selected. hmm? Anyone that suspects that maybe they did change my nav data should know that all of my addresses are in there and I did check the DVD disc...it is also the right one.
Yes, if the dimmer is rolled all the way up (and clicks) it sets the MFD to day mode and the Day Mode button disappears.
Also, page 102 of the 2007 Navigation System Owner's Manual shows the "day mode" touch screen button I am referring to. It is used to select the screen to bright day mode when the headlights are on. It is way too bright at night when it is in this mode.
I just had my wife (she has the car) go out and turn the dimmer wheel all the way bright (detent) and all the way dim while looking at the MFD with the display screen selected. The button does not re-appear. She also looked at the map screen while turning the wheel and said it did not change the MFD brightness. ???
Just checking -- were the headlights turned on? For the day button to show up, the headlights have to be on and the dimmer can not be all the way up.
This is the correct answer. If the headlights are off, you are automatically in day mode. With the headlights on, you are in night mode unless you: A) Roll the dimmer all the way up past the detent. or B) Press the Day Mode soft button. The Day Mode soft button only appears if you are in Night Mode. Tom
Ok, I don't know if she had the headlights on...I suspect not since is was daylight when she troubleshot it for me. I will check...thanks, Mel
Here's one thing you can check. When I had originally picked up my Prius from the dealer, they had taken part of the dash apart to program the alarm or something. On re-assembly, they forgot to plug the harness into the dimmer switch which caused it to go into permanent day mode. It sounds like what you are experiencing. Joe
guess I could check that but they only removed and replaced the rear bumper and pad...if they had the dash apart, they were trespassing!
You were absolutely correct. I turned on the headlights with the dimmer control out of the detent and there was the button. Can't believe you take you car in for service and they play with everything! Thought I had a full understanding of the car and its operation. Learned one today! Thank you so much. Mel
Txav8r - the exact same thing happened to me last night, so I did a search and found this thread. I'll try the same things you did and see if I can fix it. And I just had service 2 days ago, so I assumed they did something to my car. Very annoying!