I have the cargo net in my 2004 Prius. I was going to transfer it to the 2010 (when I get it) until I read that the top plastic D-rings are part of the cargo net accessory and are not standard in the car. I then said, OK, I can order a new cargo net to be installed by the port. I then found out that GST is only installing the horizontal cargo net (attaches to the four tie-downs in the cargo area), which I think is useless. Does anyone know how to install some kind of D-ring, hook, eye-bolt, etc. to hold the top end of the cargo net? I would be nervous drilling through the side panels inside the cargo area not knowing what is behind them. I also found the cargo net at Sigma Automotive and Metrotpn.com. The description says "It's easy to install..." Has anyone tried this?
Don't do it! Well, at least not yet. Rick (HTMLSpinnr) and I both have had the cargo net dealer installed, and we've both had the same problem: the panels pull away due to the tension from the cargo net. Rick wrote this up in a posting a couple of weeks ago (I didn't see it until after I had the cargo net installed). His dealer, Avondale Toyota (AZ), found a solution, but my dealer hasn't yet heard back from Avondale when requesting information on the solution. If this is handled correctly, Toyota will issue a service bulletin along with changed installation instructions. I think Rick is happy with the cargo net after the fix, but I haven't asked him. (I expect he'll be posting here very soon!)
My IV came with a cargo net that does not attach to the 4 tie downs. The bottom attaches to the tie downs closest to the hatch, and the top loop attaches to a little anchor on each side of the car, right by the slot that holds the retractable cover. It's actually pretty cool in that it's a split cargo net, so I store my re-usable grocery bags between the netting, and have nothing sliding around in the back. I can take a pic of it if you'd like.
The tension pulling away the panels?! You guys carrying bowling balls again!?!?!?!? Heavens, what are you putting IN the cargo nets? Di
a picture would be great. I just checked the Toyota Prius site for accessories, their picture shows the cargo net anchoring at the rear of the car (top left and right rear, as well as bottom left and right rear. Toyota must have erred. I also checked the Toyota floor all weather floor mats- they do not fit well- as they leave lots of carpet showing. I will likely use my old LeSabre large floor mats as they fit better.
I'd like to see a photo of your setup. Unless I plan to drive around with the hatch door open, I don't see much practical value in where the stock cargo net attaches. I've only had my 2010 III for about a couple of weeks, so I might have missed something in the manual.
Now you've hit on something, Dianne! I heard from Rick about his problem right about the same time my cargo net was being installed. For that reason, I NEVER put anything in it. I just let it be -- connected, but not holding anything. It was simply the tension from the cargo net's elastic that caused the panels to pull back. If you haven't seen one installed in a 2010, I'm sure you've seen one in a Gen2. Take a look in the hatch of a 2010, and you'll see it isn't built quite the same way. You can't connect it in the same place -- plus the panels are different. The directions call for the cargo net to be installed at a bit of an angle (inward "lean", as it were). The connection is not a plastic D-ring as in the Gen2, but it is a double-sided hook (looks much like the creases in a dog's snout) that is screwed in. I believe it will be a great accessory once it is fixed. The service guys at my dealership talked with their local Toyota rep who asked them not to try a repair until a Toyota rep can be present and not until they have information about a fix that works. This is why we are waiting on a call from Avondale Toyota's service manager. I'm not suggesting it is a bad item, but I am telling everybody that it should not be installed per the Toyota directions. Hopefully, we'll have a service bulletin soon with instructions on how to better install the cargo net.
I actually don't think the panel separation is from the tension...I wonder if the back end of the anchor (the side we can't see) is just large enough to push the panel away from it's original position? Just a guess, as I'm no expert. I can't imagine how they would remedy it once it's done, though. Anyway...here are a few shots of my cargo net set-up.
It looks like you already are getting some separation. I know it is from the tension, because I can push the panels back into place after disconnecting the cargo net. The service folks left it disconnected and asked that I not reconnect it. Please keep an eye out to see if you start getting more separation.
I am not sure if this would help you or not. But, something I will probably try with an old cargo net, is using quicklinks. Should be able to easily attach it to both the net and tie downs.
Here's the thread with HTMLSpinnr's pics and info on the resolution: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...o-net-issues-resolution-panel-separation.html
Thanks for posting the thread link - Yes, I'm much happier now that this has been remedied. Dianne - there is so much tension on the stock net that even w/o anything in there, the panels pull apart from the bungee effect. Hopefully Toyota corporate has something as I'd hate for my dealer's service department to get bombarded w/ calls on this issue.
When I took delivery of my car (also from Avondale Toyota) the tension was already pulling the panel away from the surrounding ones. From what I understand, service had to fabricate a part (longer post/bolt?) so that it would anchor to more than just the outter panel. It took about an hour and was done at no cost to me. The sales manager at Avondale was going to recommend to their customers not order cargo nets as port installs until this problem was fixed.
Im facing the very same issue. Just sold my 06 and bought a 14. Kept my cargo net hoping it would transfer. I've been researching finding the tab holders at top and came across this post. Anyone know if they ever found a solution that won't pull away at the sides of the car?